technoblade loves no one (except his family but thats different)

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Requested by Juju2902

Techno realizes he is aroace


Techno is 16
Wilbur is 15
Tommy is 8



Techno never understood the craze of relationships, or the need to have at least one romantic partner every month. Even now, in high school. Even Wilbur was dabbling in relationships. Wilbur, his younger, charismatic brother.

Of course, he had been asked out once or twice in middle school, a couple more in high school, but he always declined. Except that one time in 7th grade. But he doesn't like talking about that. It was extremely embarrassing.

Techno remembered the night Wilbur brought his girlfriend of two months over, Sally. She was lovely, and very tall. Unnaturally so. Then again, Wilbur always fancied taller women. He probably has a type.

So, when it was time for school to end, he quickly met up with Skeppy so they could hang out at his house. "Hey, Techno! Ready to get going?" He asked, cheerful. The taller nodded and they walked together, Techno scoffing when Skeppy occasionally gushed over his boyfriend, Bad.

When they arrived at the diamond's house, they both flopped onto the floor, backs against Skeppy's bed. "So, what do you wanna do?" The younger asked, lazily swishing his hair to the side.

The piglin shrugged, and then slowly turned his head towards the shorter. "You're the one who asked me to come over. Aren't you supposed to have something ready for us?" He questioned, raising a single eyebrow.

Skeppy laughed, rubbing his palm on the back of his neck. "Uh, next question." The older sputtered, laughing. "That wasn't even- I wasn't quizzing you-"

Hours later, they just finished eating after ordering pizza, lounging around the house. Skeppy looked tired, and Techno was, well... he was the same.

"Oh, uh, Skeppy. I have a question before I forget." The pinkette confessed, fidgeting with the ends of his hoodie strings. The diamond mutant immediately took notice of his body language, and nodded, seating himself on his bed, beckoning the older to sit down beside him.

"Oh, sure. Hit me." Skeppy said, before quickly catching himself. "Not literally, Tech." The taller laughed.

"Uh, it might seem like, normal, or whatever, but I don't- I don't get this love thing. I've never wanted to be in a romantic relationship, nor have I ever wanted to, um... you know." He explained, nervous.

The younger nodded, gesturing for him to keep speaking. When he didn't, Skeppy gave an understanding smile. "I have an idea of what you're feeling, and you might be surprised when I tell you."

Skeppy grabbed his laptop and typed quickly, hitting the enter button. He showed the screen to Techno, the latter giving a small eyebrow raise as a reaction. "Aroace? The hell is that?" He asked, curious.

Skeppy grinned and began explaining it and helping Techno see if that was what fit him. The clock struck 7 pm, and the pinkette felt his phone buzz in his pocket. When he took it out, checking the screen, he sighed and informed his close friend that he needed to start heading home.

"Aw, man. Well, if you want to keep looking into it, I'm always here! Bye, Tech!" He exclaimed, waving goodbye. The piglin nodded, waving goodbye in response.

On his way home, he thought about it. Maybe he was aroace. It was the weekend starting tomorrow. He could think about it then.

A couple weeks later, he decided he was certain of his sexuality, and ready to tell his family. It was a Wednesday, and he was walking home from school with Wilbur and Tommy on either side of him.

"Uh, guys. I'm gonna tell you two along with dad something later. It's serious, I guess. Well, not really? But, it's kinda important to me." The oldest rambled, squeezing his backpack straps.

Wilbur nodded, along with Tommy, who proceeded to make fun of the other stupid kids in his class. When they made it home, Techno said he was going to take a shower, probably to stall.

When it was time for dinner, Phil noticed that Techno was acting even more nervous thsn normal, and that concerned him. He figured he would ask him about it after everyone ate, so he wouldn't feel on the spot.

When Phil went to go wash their dishes, however, Techno cleared his throat. "Uh, I wanna tell you guys something. I can wait a little, but I want to tell all three of you." He mumbled, face glowing a light red out of embarrassment.

Phil gave him a small nod, before rinsing the dishes and keeping them in the sink for later. He went to go sit back down at the table, watching as the pinkette swallowed thickly.

"Um, I'll just get straight to the point. I'm, um, aroace? Yeah. That means, basically, that I don't feel romantic or sexual attraction. To anyone." He explained, exhaling, slightly relieved to have it all off his chest.

There was a quick silence, before Phil spoke up, warm and understanding. "Oh, thank you for telling us, Techno! I'm sure it took a lot of confidence to come out. We're proud of you." He said, warming Techno's heart.

Wilbur nodded and grinned, perking up. "Yeah, Tech! That's awesome, and you're so brave for being able to tell us! But, that also means I won't be able to ever tease you about having a partner. Well, that doesn't matter too much," he said, pausing.

Then, he smirked jokingly. "I can tease you for other things, nerd!" He screeched, cackling. Phil laughed heartily, and Tommy burst out into fits of giggles. Techno only smiled, shaking his head.

"Tech, you're so cool. If I am never able to get a girlfriend I will always keep you in mind that I can be cool without having someone to love." Tommy exclaimed, smiling with his teeth.

The older rolled his eyes, but deep down, he was super happy that his family reacted the way they did. He always knew he could tell them anything.

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