ram boy meets fish boy family

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wilbur introduces schlatt to the sleepy bois

this is in the past so
phil is 29
techno is 19
wilbur and schlatt are both 18
tommy is 11

also please remember that no one is dating in this one shot :)


third pov

schlatt whined as he was being dragged to his best friends house by his best friend. he had his hoodie over his head, covering his ram horns and ears. wilbur groaned, approaching his homes driveway. "come on, youre a hybrid just like the rest of us! you'll be fine!" he reassured, wrapping an arm around the shorters shoulders.

schlatts ears drooped as he nervously groaned, tail wagging anxiously. wilbur pulled the hood off of the younger, earning a small grunt of displeasure from him. "i hate you." wilbur laughed as they approached the front door, pulling out his house key. wilburs smile faltered before he turned the now unlocked knob when he heard nervous whispers from schlatt.

"ihatethisihatethisihatethisihatethisihatethisihatethisihatethis-" he stopped abruptly when wilbur pulled him into a comforting hug, rubbing his back. "hey, its okay. theyre gonna love you. dont stress about it." schlatt gave the taller a small, thankful smile and took a couple calming deep breaths before he nodded. "i dont know why im worried anyway. am i overreacting?" he asked, looking up at wilbur with worried eyes.

wilbur shook his head, smiling, and turned the knob. schlatt audibly exhaled after he pushed the door open, and immediately hid behind the older. wilbur grinned at this and waved to his family. "hey, im back. and, i brought a friend." phil smiled and waved the two inside. wilbur smiled and pulled schlatt from behind him and grabbed his hand reassuringly.

they walked inside and wilbur closed the door. "this is schlatt, hes my best friend and we wanted to hang out so, is it okay if he stays over for the night, phil?" he asked, grinning. schlatts ears perked up, eyebrows furrowing. "you didnt ask beforehand?" he whisper yelled, making wilbur laugh nervously. "nope. i forgot!" he said, making schlatt snicker.

phil stood waved at schlatt. "well, hello! im phil, pink hair is techno, and tommy is upstairs. its nice to meet you and wilbur, he can stay." wilbur smiled and schlatts tense shoulders eased. he sighed, relieved. wilbur nodded and quickly dragged schlatt up to his room.

the older two watched them go up the stairs and phil smiled, shaking his head. "his horns were cool." techno stated, flipping a page in his book. phil chuckled and nodded. "i agree." he said, walking into the kitchen.

wilbur lightly shoved schlatt into his room and shut the door. he flopped onto his bed and sighed, patting the spot beside him. schlatt rolled his eyes and slowly sat down beside the older. "so, what are we gonna do?" he asked, poking schlatts horn. the younger swatted wilburs hand away and shrugged. "do you have a wii?" he asked, looking at him. wilburs eyes widened with excitement and he nodded, smiling. he stood and walked to his tv, looking at the table underneath it and pulling out a wii. "lets play."

after a couple hours of wii, they turned the console off and put the remotes away. they both sat on the floor and listened to wilburs music playlist. "im kinda hungry." wilbur said, rubbing his stomach for dramatic effect. schlatt nodded. "me too. when are we gonna eat?" he asked, ear flicking curiously. wilbur shrugged and stood, pausing his music. he grabbed schlatt wrist and pulled him up, and they walked out of the tallers room, going downstairs.

"hey phil, whats for dinner?" wilbur asked, feeling schlatt get closer to him. phil rolled his eyes playfully and walked to him. "we are oedering pizza because i dont want to cook." he said, grinning. wilbur sighed and turned to the shorter. "well, now we know." he answered, going to poke the horned boys ear. before he did, the younger once again swatted his hand away. "dont." he said, ear flicking again.

wilbur smirked and raised an eyebrow. "and why not?" he teased, placing his hands on his hips. schlatts ears perked up and his tail began to wag to his dismay. "stop! i hate you!" he exclaimed, grabbing his ears. wilbur cackled and moved his fins just to spite the other. then he gasped.

"wait your tail is wagging too, isnt it?!" he yelled, laughing. schlatt let go of his ears and lightly shoved wilbur, tail wagging even more. "no, no, its not!" he yelled, eyes wide. tommy was at the bottom of the stairs, wondering why there was yelling going on, and was confused when seeing this. techno and phil were now also watching, amused.

schlatt covered his red face and groaned. "you suck, wil!" wilbur grinned wider and pulled the shorter into a hug, looking at his tail. he snickered and cooed. "aw, your tail is so cute!" schlatt groaned again and tried to get out of wilburs grasp. when succeeding, his ears perked up and his tail wagging stopped slowly. "what are you doing?" wilbur asked, curious.

schlatt only fixated on wilburs chest and stilled his whole body. the others were piled on the couch, watching. "wait, youre scaring me, whatre you gonna do?!" the taller asked, panicking a little. schlatt then looked up and made eye contact. "you deserve this." he paused, looking back down at wilburs chest. "also brace yourself." he said, freaking wilbur out. "wait- hOLY FUCK-"

schlatt had rammed his head into wilburs chest, sending him backwards, and he held his chest, heaving excitedly. tommy burst out laughing, phil chuckled, and techno raised his eyebrows. "the hell was that?!" wilbur yelled, a surprised smile on his face. schlatt smirked and shrugged. "that was a headbutt that wasnt even that strong." schlatt answered, hands on his hips. "no way, you can go stronger? do it!" wilbur exclaimed, bouncing in place like a child.

schlatt shook his head, grinning. his tail was wagging again since he was excited, and was enjoying the happy and comfortable energy in the room. "no, ill break your ribs, idiot! im a RAM!" he said, eyes filled with excitement. wilbur cackled and walked closer to schlatt, wrapping his arm around the shorters shoulder again. "okay, well itd be worth it to see your strength, ram boy." he teased, grinning.

schlatt rolled his eyes and smiled, huffing breaths of glee. his tail was uncontrollably wagging as wilbur began to laugh. the shorter caught his energy and started laughing too, and then the whole room was bursting into laughter.

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