abandoned tubbox

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Requested by wookie2025

Tommy is on a walk with Phil, Techno, and Wilbur, and they stumble upon an abandoned bee hybrid in a box

This is in the past and also an Au because I dont headcanon this :¬]

Phil is 24
Techno is 14
Wilbur is 13
Tommy is 6

Also quick thing, I headcanon mumza is a siren while also being the goddess of death, Phil is an avian, Wilbur is half siren, half avian, he has wings, gills, webbed fingers, and fins for ears, and is also their only biological son, Tommy and Techno were found in the nether, Techno is a piglin, Tommy is an imp demon, has horns, tail, and wings that are rare for imps 👍

Also I might post pictures of my own art so you guys can get a better idea 👍

Also I forgot mumza and Wilbur also have horns because I like the idea of sirens having horns, but both of them have one horn smaller than the other



Phil smiled a little when Tommy rambled on and on about his day at school, and how it was a free day, so they got a whole 8 hours of free time.

"It was so fun, dad! Me and Wilby even got to see each other. But, it sucked a little that Techie couldn't come to school," he said, pouting. "I hate it when he's sick."

Phil nodded in agreement. "Yes, I hate when he's sick as well, but he is less sick now. I'm sure he will be able to go to school tomorrow." Tommy's eyes lightened sat that, and he started talking about how cool Techno is.

Phil was about to ask what Tommy wantes to watch since this movie they had just been watching had finished, but Tommy beat him to the punch.

And instead of talking about the movie, he asked, "can we go on a walk with Wilby and Techie?" Phil paused, and thought about it. It was only 1 pm, and it was sunny, no rain was to be expected.

When his father nodded, Tommy burst into giggles and raised his arms excitedly, tail wagging wildly. "I'll go wake them up!" As he ran up the stairs, Phil chuckled to himself.

When Tommy came back downstairs, he had his two older brothers in tow. Techno yawned tiredly, having been awoken from his nap.

Wilbur mumbled something about Tommy being an impatient child and started to get attacked by the big infant. "Alright, alright. Settle down, boys. Go get dressed and we'll be off."

The three boys walked up the stairs, besides Tommy, and in less than 10 minutes they were all back down in casual clothes.

Phil smiled, clasping his hands together, and led them all outside the house, making sure the door was locked and secure.

"So, which way should we go, Tommy, since this was your idea?" Phil asked, ruffling the young boy's hair.

"Hmm," he hummed, scratching his chin. "Let's go right!" He answered, already hopping that direction. Phil laughed and went to catch up with him, before holding onto Tommy's hand and looking back at Wilbur and Techno.

"You two can stay behind us, but don't lag too far behind, and tell us to slow down if you can't catch up, alright?" He said, stopping, Tommy groaning impatiently beside him.

Techno nodded and Wilbur gave his father a thumbs up, playfully grabbing the pinkette's hand. They ended up staying like that.

The siren-avian and piglin had stopped in their tracks, however, when Tommy had yelled about a weird box nearby, and was tugging on Phil's sleeve to go look at it.

"Pleeeaaase???? We could use it to make a fort!" Tommy whined, jumping in place. Phil sighed and nodded reluctantly. "We can go take a look at it, I guess. But I don't think you can use one small box for a whole fort, Toms." He replied, grinning.

Tommy yelled out in happiness and practically dragged the taller blonde over to the slightly dirtied box.

Upon approaching the box, the family peered inside, Wilbur and Techno finally catching up. "What's in it, dad?" Wilbur asked in a hushed voice, cautious.

Phil lightly 'shh'ed all three of his sons, and gently swatted Tommy's curious head away from the box. He slowly got closer and gasped when he saw a small child curled up inside, with only a thin blanket covering him.

"Oh dear..." He whispered, waving the boys over. Tommy was first to see in the box, of course, and also gasped, and immediately started yelling about it. "Who is it? What is it? Is it a boy like me?" Phil quickly hushed him while Wilbur slapped his hand over the younger's mouth.

Tommy started talking into Wilbur's hand, muffling his sounds, but Wilbur and Techno quickly tried to make him shut up. Though, those tries went straight to the trash as soon as the boy in the box shuffled.

The boy slowly sat up, revealing his slightly torn bee wings and short antennas. He yawned and stretched sleepily, opening his eyes.

"Huh..? Hello, mister. Who are you?" He asked, drowsiness drenched in his voice. Phil waved and offered a warm smile to the small bee hybrid. "Hello, young one. My name is Phil. What about you?"

The boy grinned and his wings flicked happily. "I'm Tubbo! I'm a bee!" He exclaimed, eyes bright and blue. Phil smiled and looked around. "Do you have a place to live, Tubbo?"

When the boy in question shook his head, Phil felt a tinge of sadness. Who would've wanted to abandon a sweet boy such as Tubbo? Maybe they had to.

"Would you like to stay with me and my boys? They're right behind us if you'd like to see them." Phil offered, smiling. Tubbo nodded and the avian slowly moved away and revealed the other three who were silently fighting each other.

Phil sighed and clapped his hands loudly, grabbing their attention. They immediately got off each other and stood straight. Tubbo laughed at the sight, and stood like them.

"Boys, this is Tubbo. Introduce yourselves please." Phil instructed, softly. "Hi Tubbo! I'm Tommy!" The boy yelled, waving aggressively with his tail copying.

Techno rolled his eyes and watched Wilbur introduce himself, then he did. Phil helped the bee out of the box carefully, and led him to the house, where he tended to the boys wings and made him food.

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