family time

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I want them to be happy

This is an alternate universe where in current lore sbi all live together and tommy and wilbur are getting therapy



"Hey, boys! Come here and help me and Techno!" Phil said, voice as loud and comforting as always. Wilbur yawned and nodded, waiting for Tommy to get up off his shoulder.

After hearing Tommy groan, and then see him shuffle closer, the brunette smiled, playfully poking his brother's cheek. The blonde's eyes fluttered open, his eyebrows furrowing in annoyance.

"Wil, let me sleep. I don't wanna help Phil and Tech." He grumbled, wrapping his arms around Wilbur, keeping the older from leaving.

He sighed, trying to sound annoyed, but it came out as a content sigh to which he giggled quietly to. Tommy silently flipped him off and shoved his face back into Wilbur's shoulder.

"Uh, Phil? I don't think I can help. Tommy just doesn't want to." He shouted, loud enough for the other two to hear. Techno came shuffling into the room, his stone face quickly vanishing when he spotted his younger brothers.

He chuckled, tusks lightly pressing against his upper lip, and he nodded. "I think I can see why. I'll tell Phil we are all on our own." The pinkette said, turning to leave.

"Wait! What're you guys doing?" Tommy suddenly asked, startling both his brothers and making Wilbur jump. Techno had turned back around at the sound of the younger's voice, and he smiled fondly at him.

"You'll have to see to know." Techno muttered, grin never leaving his face. Tommy groaned at his vagueness, but reluctantly pushed himself off of Wilbur and stood, stretching his limbs.

The revived man still on the couch laughed heartily, slowly standing up from his spot as well. Techno grabbed his shoulder gently, reaching for Tommy's as well. Then, in a much quieter voice, "Phil isn't having the best morning. He's already had some inconveniences ruin it, so don't be annoying."

When his younger siblings nodded in understanding, he let go of their shoulders and led them to the kitchen where Phil was soundlessly putting ingredients on the counter.

"Hey, Phil. I've got them." The piglin informed, pushing Wilbur and Tommy in front of him slightly as if mimicking someone turning in some criminals. The oldest spun around and smiled, any tension in his shoulders fading away immediately.

"Well, good morning, boys! I have a plan for a grand family day today." He explained, cheerfully. The winged man went on and on about what they were going to do that day, and how they would all help him make each meal of the day.

At the end, Tommy groaned, "man, I don't wanna help with food. I'll do literally all the other things, just not food." Wilbur nudged him, shushing him swiftly.

The younger was about to start yelling before he stopped himself and remembered that Phil wasn't having the greatest morning. He dropped his head and mumbled a barely audible, "sorry."

He looked back up a little when he felt two hands on his back, assuming they were Wilbur and Techno's hands. Phil softly tilted Tommy's chin up fully, and the younger only saw a kind look on his father's face.

"It's alright, Toms. You don't have to help with every meal. I just thought it would help bring us closer." Phil said, comfortingly. The younger blonde blinked, and then nodded, pressing down a throaty noise when he felt Phil and his brother's hands leave from his chin and back.

"Anyway, let's start with breakfast, shall we?" Phil exclaimed, tone switching back to cheerful and bright. Techno nodded with little enthusiasm, while Wilbur nodded with lots of it.

By the time their attempt at fluffy pancakes were finished, Tommy was the only one who had flour all over him, including his hair. Well, Wilbur had some in his hair, but that was only because Tommy had purposely shoved his flour-covered hand onto his head.

For the next couple of hours until lunch, the four played different games like charades, hide and go seek, and even tag, since Phil allowed it.

For lunch, they made tacos, since they hadn't had any in a long time. None of them know how Tommy managed to get lettuce in his hair.

After that, they played board games, card games, Jenga, and considered doing each other's makeup. They did, but it was rushed since it was almost time for dinner.

For dinner, they had cake. They made cake and had cake, for dinner. If they felt awful in their stomachs later, that was on them.

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