night terrors

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Requested by CHARANOIRE

TW: PANIC ATTACK(??not really??)

Techno comforts Wilbur after the latter has a nightmare

Past also

Techno is 14
Wilbur is 13

Slight Angst/Fluff


Wilbur's eyes snapped open, hot tears pouring out of his eyes. He gasped for air as he struggled to get the thick covers off his trembling body.

He quickly looked around for his lamp, struggling to turn it on with his shaky fingers. After a short while, he ended up succeeding, and wiped his wet eyes with his yellow sweater sleeve.

He grabbed his glasses and slid them on, not caring much as tears still slid out of his eyes, his vision still very blurry.

He sniffled and slowly stood from his bed. He tried to calm himself and maybe slow his breathing, but he soon realized that he wouldn't be able to get there without someone else.

So, who did he turn to? Techno, of course.

Wilbur exhaled and hurriedly staggered across his slightly lit room and turned the door knob. He opened the door and shuddered at the sight of a dark hallway.

As he was about to start thinking about his nightmare, Techno's door clicked open, startling the brunette. As he snapped his head towards his older brother's room, tired red eyes stared back.

"Wil..? What're you doin' awake?" Techno whispered, rubbing his eyes. He must've been awake. Man, he really needed to fix his sleep schedule. "Want to stay with me?"

Wilbur nodded after a moments hesitation, and fidgeted with his sweater sleeve, thin tail slightly ducked between his twig-like legs.

Techno smiled softly and notices the light in Wilbur's room. The pinkette slowly closed his door as he stepped out, closer to his brother.

"C'mon, let's go to your room. Mine's messy anyway." Techno said, gently grabbing the shorter's hand. This seemed to calm Wilbur down a bit more, his shoulders relaxing ever so slightly.

The door to the aspiring musician's room had opened again, and Techno led the other to his bed, before going back to the door to close it.

As he was about to go to the door, however, Wilbur quickly latched onto the older, new tears welling into his eyes, making more spill out.

"Where...?" Wilbur whispered, feathery ears ducking down. Techno sighed and ruffled the younger's hair fondly. "M' just gonna close the door, Wil. S' okay." He reassured.

Wilbur hesitated before unlatching himself from his brother. The piglin smiled and quickly went to close the door, not wanting to keep his jumpy brother alone for too long.

As Techno sat down beside the brunette, he was pulled into a side hug. "Wilbur...?" His hooved hands hovered over Wilbur's back, and just as they brushed against his back, the younger burst into quiet sobs.

Techno's fluffy ears perked up before pressing into the sides of his head. He quickly turned his whole body to face Wilbur and hugged him tightly.

Wilbur's muffled sobs pained Techno's heart. He had a soft spot for Wilbur, and this hurt him probably as much as Wilbur was scared. He slowly rubbed circles into the shorter's back, humming one of Wilbur's favorite songs.

Wilbur pulled away and Techno found himself practically holding him. He didn't mind, though.

"Did you have a nightmare, Wil?" Techno asked, lightly scratching the other's scalp. Wilbur tiredly nodded, endlessly wiping his eyes.

They sat in silence for a while before Wilbur shifted, sitting up. Techno relaxed his arms when he saw Wilbur glance at him.

"It was so scary, Tech. You, Tommy, and dad weren't here. The house was dark and none of the lights worked," he said, sniffling. Techno nodded, coaxing him to keep going.

"I thought you guys had-" A sob erupted from Wilbur's throat. Techno held his hand, squeezing. "I thought you left me." Wilbur whispered, continuing to let out small sobs.

"It's alright, Wil. I'm here. We aren't gonna leave you. You mean too much to us." Techno mumbled, face going red. Wilbur looked up at him and giggled, vision slowly clearing up.

Wilbur pulled him into another hug, and this time they ended up staying for way longer than the last time. Techno noticed Wilbur start to grow more and more drowsy, leaning more and more of his weight onto Techno.

He sighed and gently maneuvered the both of then down on Wilbur's bed. Wilbur immediately clung to the pinkette, and he smiled, tangling their legs.

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