stealthy hero

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tommy steals shit cause he can and hes good at being sneaky about it


third pov

tommys eyes snapped open and he sat up, quickly getting out of bed and sprinting to the bathroom. he brushed his teeth and washed his face, running back into his room after drying it. he rushed to put clothes on and went back into his bedroom to brush his hair. when he finished and grabbed his bag, he walked down the stairs. he had a plan to steal something today, something important. tubbos mini bee plushie he brings to school got stolen by some jerks and he was gonna get it back. he needed to get to school early to get it though, since the assholes go to school five minutes before it starts.

he came downstairs and saw phil cooking eggs with toast. phil put the first couple of eggs and toast on a plate along with a fork, and smiled, handing it to tommy. "well, youre in a hurry, arent you?" he asked, grinning. tommy nodded and ate quickly. phil shook his head, chuckling, and turned back to the stove. soon, techno and wilbur were walking down the stairs. the two were surprised to see tommy already dressed and ready for school. he always got ready after breakfast. the older two sat down at the table and began to eat what they were given. phil quickly joined them and they began speaking, besides tommy, who was busy devouring his eggs.

"hey, tommy. whatre you in a hurry for?" techno asked, curious. wilbur snickered when tommy almost choked on an egg. "need to get to school early-" the older three watched as he cut himself off with another egg. wilbur grinned, amused. "this is kinda funny." he said, hearing phil chuckle lightly. techno sighed and bit into a piece of toast. tommy was first to finish, of course, and he rushed to get up and rinse his plate. he then sat on the couch and carefully watched his family eat, planning to force the first to finish to bring him to school. that person being techno, who had just swallowed a piece of toast. as he finished rinsing off his plate, he jumped when tommy yelled.

"hey, techno! take me to school!" he turned to the taller and sighed, walking up to his room after nodding. tommys tail flicked as he waited, and it seemed like forever when techno stepped down the stairs with toeless boots and his hair in a low ponytail. he usheres the older out the door, bag slung over his shoulder, and waved goodbye at phil and wilbur, who were smiling and snickering. when techno got in the car, he saw tommy almost fall over when getting inside. he cackled and started the car. tommy rolled his eyes and watched his house leave his vision as techno drove them further away. when they arrived, tommy said bye and grabbed his bag, leaving the car quickly. techno sighed and drove off.

tommy entered the school and quickly put his bag in his locker and speed walked to the gym, seeing very few students sitting against walls and sitting in chairs, waiting for school to start. he sat in a small corner and scrolled through twitter while waiting for his best friend. he lifted his head after a while when he heard footsteps running towards him. he smiled and waved at tubbo. "hey, tommy! whyd you get here so early?" he asked, sitting beside him. tommy stretched his legs, putting his phone away. "im gonna get your plushie back." he informed, glancing at the door. tubbo grinned and nodded. "you really dont have to, but if you really get it back, im gonna be so happy!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms around tommy. the taller wrapped his arms around the smaller and smiled, determined. they pulled away and just talked, tommy watching the door for the boys to walk in.

when they did, he nudged tubbo, point at them subtly. "im gonna sneak up on them." he whispered, tail flicking once more. tubbo nodded and laid back, putting all his weight against the wall as the boys sat down somewhat near them. the bee loving boy watched as his best friend stood and walked outside. he was confuses until tommy came back to him with a couple of rocks. he grinned and threw some in the opposite direction the two were so the idiots didnt know tommy was the one throwing them. he quickly pulled tubbo up and sprinted outside the door, and peered out, seeing the boys looking around, spread out. he smiled and looked at tubbo, whispering a, "stay here."

he quickly grabbed the boys bag and silentlt but quickly rummaged through it, finding the bee, and quickly darted away just soon enough for the boys to not notice him when they turned around. he heard them sit back down and he pumped a fist into the air. he handed the plush to tubbo and grinned, tail waving excitedly. tubbo grinned and wrapped tommy into another hug, grateful he got his favorite mini plushie back. "youre my stealthy hero, tommy!"

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