dog pt. 1

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agahaha puppy walk

sleepy male relatives that arent related see dog on street with no colalar collar hmgmmgh


third pov

phil woke up from his comfortable bed ftom his alarm set on his phone and sat up, yawning. he stretched and checked the time, 7:30. he nodded and dismissed his alarm, getting out of bed. he brushed his teeth in the bathroom and then brushed his hair. he slipped on black pants and a dark green shirt with white socks, and grabbed his big jacket. he wore it and placed his bucket hat on his blonde head. he walked out of his room and started breakfast. it was saturday, so everyone in the house could go out for the whole day. he decided to make pancakes and while he was stirring the batter, techno walked down the stairs. he sat at the dining table and sighed, fiddling with the end of his pink sweater. "mornin'." he mumbled. phil smiled and poured a small amount of the batter into the frying pan.

"good morning, son." techno smiled subconsiously, and put his head on the table. after around three minutes there was enough pancakes for the four that lived in the house. phil turned off the stove as he put the last pancake on the plate. "hey, techno. could you go grab them in person?" techno stared at him for a couple seconds before picking his head up and nodded, slowly standing and staggering upstairs. when he reached the hallway, he yawned and his ears flicked. he first went to wilburs room since it was closest, and knocked. he heard shuffling and then a small groan, then silence. techno huffed and rubbed his eyes, knocking again with more strength. "jesus, coming." wilbur grumbled out, muttering something incoherent afterwards. when he opened the door, the pink haired pig was surprised.

wilbur never woke up tired or disheveled. so, techno had a reason to be surprised, and mildly concerned. his ears drooped slightly. wilbur didnt seem to notice as he rubbed his eyes and walked downstairs, ignoring techno. the older huffed, crossing his arms on his chest. "he never get like that." he mumbled. his ears perked up slightly as he remembered what he looked like. his fins were drooped, he had bags under his eyes, and he was wearing the same thing he wore yesterday. techno shook his head and walked to tommys room. he knockrd on the door and waited a couple seconds before the blonde demon opened the door, yawning. "what? why didnt phil call us down?" he asked, sleepily. techno chuckled snd shrugged. "i honestly have no clue. lets go eat."

the two walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to be met by a semi angry phil wacking a hilariously terrified wilbur with his own bucket hat. "IM JUST TIRED, DAD-" phil wacked him on the head again. wilbur yelped and jumped back. "i know, im not stupid. you obviously didnt sleep. at all, and this is your punishment." he said, continuously wacking the poor siren boy against the head. phil looked at the other two and smiled briefly, gesturing to the dining table, then turned his face to wilbur, a new serious face slapped on. after snickers and silent laughs from tommy and techno, phil finally stopped, placing the super dangerous weapon back on his head. he sat down at the table and playfully glared at wilbur as he sat next to him.

they stared at each other before all four burst out laughing. techno covered his mouth, watching as tommy almost fell out of his chair from doubling over and laughing so hard. eventually, he did, and phils immediate reaction was to see if he was okay, while the other two just howled with laughter. tommy stood and rubbed the back of his head, which he hit. phil sighed and waved him over, to which he groaned, obliging. techno chuckled and continued to eat. wilbur stretched and stood with his plate since he had finished. he washed his plate and stuff and then sat back down at his seat in the dining table. techno was next to finish, and phil was done making sure tommys head didnt hurt. then, phil finished, leaving tommy.

once he did finish, phil took his plate along with his own and washed them, techno already having washed his own. he arrived again and brought them all to the front room. they all sat down. "so, im guessing you want to do something today?" techno asked, grinning. phil nodded and clapped. "you are very observant, son!" technos ears drooped and his face flushed red out of embarrassment. he muttered a, "thanks," and hugged his knees to his chest. phil smiled. "anyway, we are going on a walk today! we need it and also its just an excuse to talk to you more!" he announced, wings fluttering open. the younger three nodded and stood. phil grinned and fixed his bucket hat, his wings retracting. phils sons made their ways to their rooms to get ready, and he sighed, stretching.

tommy was first to get downstairs, wearing sunglasses, cargo shorts, red converse, and his signature red and white shirt. his hair was still unkempt, so phil pulled him towards him and started brushing his hair with his own hands. tommy groaned, staying still while his tail was waving in anticipation. he finished, seeing as the youngests hair wasnt getting any better. he sighed and saw wilbur walk down the stairs. he was wearing a black beanie, a white sweater, black jeans, had a brown jacket tied around his waist, and was wearing black boots. phil smiled warmly when he walked down. wilbur sighed, pushing a hand through his fluffy hair, and sat down on the couch. tommy grumbled and also sat down. techno was of course last since he had longer hair to take care of, but it took longer than normal.

phil started to get worried when five more minutes passed. he was about to walk up the stairs and see if techno was alright, but as if on cue, techno came walking down with a new hairstyle. most of his hair was in a normal bun, but two strands of hair on each side of his face were braided, and led to the bun, looking like decorations. he was wearing a white dress shirt with wavy sleeves that he tucked into dark red tight pants. he had a pink cloth shoved fairly nicely into his left pocket, half of it dangling out. for shoes, he was wearing black boots that went up to his knees, and to top it all off, he was wearing a golden choker with a sapphire in the middle. the other three knew he liked fancy and nice clothing, and this was not very new, but the hair was what amazed them.

"now i see what took you so long!" phil exclaimed, walking ovee to him. tommy and wilbur quickly walked over and looked at the second eldests hair. technos cheeks were painted a light red because of the attention his hair was being given. phil noticed and swatted the two boys away like flies. phil smiled at techno. "you look great, as do the other two, but you look better." he joked, making he himself and techno laugh, but madd the other two protest and pout. they stopped when phil made his way to the door, opening it. "lets go!"

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