haha protective family go brrrr part 1

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requested by tubbeeeee


also this is gonna be a little earlier in their lives so it would make sense for wilbur at least to go to school

tommy is 11 (5th grade)
wilbur is 18 (senior in high school, i live in america)
techno is 19 (college, english major)
phil is 29 (idfk doing hardcore stuff lmao)


tommys pov

i woke up to a stupid alarm clock that is known as techno. i groaned as he shook me aggressively, yelling my name over and over and over again. i smacked his face or something i wasnt looking and he grabbed my arm, pulling my out of my own bed. i shrieked and he cackled, running out of the room with my cow plushie. i shot up, running after him, my only objective is to get my gifted cow plushie back. tubbo gave that to me on my birthday. when i got downstairs, he chuckled, handing it back to me. i glared at him, confused. "why did you just give it back?" he ruffled my hair. "confusion. thats a trick im good at. also it was an elaborate ruse to make you get out of bed." i scoffed and stomped up the stairs, going to put my plushie back in my awesome bed.

when i returned, phil and the others were already eating. i checked the clock, 8:16. i had plenty of time. (at my school it starts at 8:15, but for the sake of when ive made them get up and eat breakfast in past oneshots, its gonna be 9 for him) when i finished, techno grabbed the plates and phil told me to go and get ready. i groaned and obliged.

while in my room, i put my school supplies in my backpack, brushed my teeth, got dressed, and brushed my hair. i sighed, grabbing my backpack and trudging downstairs. "im ready." techno was the one who took me and wilbur to school. phil had to go to work. it was the usual. but you guys didnt know that, so i filled you in. youre welcome.

when we arrived at my school, i got out of the car, and before closing the door, techno said, "if anyones givin' you any trouble, tell us, okay, nerd?" i nodded, but then spoke up. "whats does elaborate ruse mean?" techno closed the door and drove off. what the heck. anyway, i walked in the building and met up with tubbo. he waved at me and we quickly hugged. "eyyy, big man." tubbo giggled. "big man? i like big t. because we both have ts in our name!!" he said, excitedly. i grinned and nodded. "then we can keep it that way." and we walked off to class.

it was lunch time now, and i was going to find tubbo before i was pushed against a wall and dragged outside the cafeteria. i groaned, rubbing the back of my head, and looked up at the one who pushed me. my eyes widened, seeing that it was more than one person. i stood straight and glanced them all in the eye. "what do you guys want?" i asked, slightly intimidated. they laughed and i was confused. "whats funny-" and then i got punched in my stomach. i gasped and bent over, wincing. they laughed more and began to torment me. they sweeped me off my feet and i grunted when i hit the floor. they kicked me and pulled me up on my feet, only to repeatedly punch me in the face. "sto-" i was cut off as i got shoved against the wall again, and then got kicked in my stomach. i fell to the floor and thats when they decided to leave me be.

i closed my teary eyes and shook on the cold floor that my brain registered as the hallway no one walks in. it was right outside the cafeteria, but then again, no one used it. it would be a while before anyone found him. and when they did, they sounded a lot like tubbo. "tommy? tommy!" i opened my eyes and squinted at tubbo. he sighed out of relief and hugged me after he helped me sit up. i relaxed in his arms, mine too tired to hug him back. he pulled away and gently leaned me against the wall, then moved to sit beside me. "what happened? i was so worried when you missed the rest of school! i thought you ditched it." i shook my head. "i got beat up by a bunch of idiots." tubbo frowned and turned to me with teary eyes, and hugged me again.

he helped me up and we walked outside, that was when i noticed he had my stuff along with his. "i looked for your phone and called phil, which was the first contact in your phone with the name of 'dad'." he said, the last part being a joke. i dont actually have his name as dad in my phone. yeah id never do that. its embarrassing. yeah.

when we both saw a familiar white car pull up, i stood but then winced and almost fell over if it wasnt for tubbo holding on to me. "woah, tommy, be careful!" he exclaimed, hand on my arm. he pulled me up so i stood straight and handed me my bag. we both walked- well i limped- to da- PHILS car. when we both got in, i sighed, relieved to be sitting on something that wasnt the hard ground. i was doing that all day. i noticed that phil glanced at me through the car mirror, but averted his eyes back to the road quickly.

we parked in the driveway and got out of the car, tubbo telling me that he called his mom to see if he could stay over for a bit. i smiled. we havent hung out in a while outside school since there were so much homework and tests. we got inside and i saw techno on the couch with a bunch of items on the table. dont know what thats for. i took my shoes off, tubbo and phil following suit, and phil told me and tubbo to sit down on the couch beside techno. we obliged, techno pulling us both in for a small hug. "so, how was school, you two?" techno asked. i looked at him weirdly. he never cared to ask me how school was. that was phils job.

tubbo shrugged. "it was fine, but after tommy disappeared for the rest of the school day after lunch was weird, and it was so lonely." techno nodded, looking at me. "and what were you doing at lunch? be honest, tommy." i tensed at that for some reason. "um, i..." tubbo interrupted me. "i think he got beat up." techno nodded. "i know. im a good observer. and so are you, tubbo." he beamed at the complement and cheered. "yay! im a good obser- observ- obsver-" techno chuckled. "observer. yeah, its a hard word to say, but i believe you'll be able to say it very soon." techno said, cheering tubbo up. "hey, tubbo! come help me with this super special task i saved only for you!" wilbur yelled from upstairs.

tubbo gasped and waved goodbye at me and techno, then ran upstairs, yelling a quick, "coming!" then it was just me and techno alone. he reached for a dry towel and dipped it in the glass of water on the table, then brought it to my face. i shrieked and pulled back. "why are you doing that!? its so cold!" techno grabbed my shoulder and gently pulled me back, placing it on my cheek. "you have so many obvious bruises, tommy." i frowned. "i do?" techno glanced into my eyes and snickered. "yes, tommy. they are littered all over your body."

after he made all my bruises cold, he put a bandaid on my chin. was there a cut there? maybe. when he finished, phil came in and grabbed everything that was on the table and then left. "wha-" techno snapped his fingers. i turned my attention back to him. "what did they look like and how many were there?" i squinted my eyes. "what?" techno sighed. "the ones who hurt you. what did they look like and how many were there?"

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