technoblade never dies

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when technoblade gets confronted but he doesnt surrender



third pov

techno began to sweat as he quickly opened his window to see outside. "what does he mean 'theyre coming'?!" he exclaimed, looking around. he shut the window and immediately began to prepare for a fight. "why did it have to be so sudden??? im so not prepared, im retired!" he said, grabbing empty glass bottles

he ran outside and quickly filled multiple empty bottles with cold water and ran back, extremely nervous. he began brewing potions and was constantly going up and down the same ladder with ingredients to make splash potions and other types of magical liquid.

he checked outside again and jumped when he saw someone, but relaxed as it was only ghostbur. he saw the transparent man make his way closer to technos home, a block of blue in his hand. techno shook his head as he stepped back and grabbed finished potions, going to make more. he made sure his sword and everything was on him, and stretched, inhaling deeply.

there was a knock on the door and the pink haired piglin sighed, cautiously opening the wooden door. "hello, techno!" wilbur said, waving happily. techno nodded and waved back, inviting the ghost inside. "why are you here, wil?" he asked, shutting the door. "oh, i just wanted to see you, and also i need a lead." techno shook his head, putting more gunpowder in the stations.

"why do you need a lead?" he asked, grabbing one from out of a chest. as he handed it to the deceased, he replied. "oh, there was a sheep outside and i wanted to become friends with it." techno nodded and moved away from the younger, looking out the window. "you should really get out of here, its not safe. there are men from lmanberg and theyre gonna come after me, and maybe you." the older explained, glancing at wilbur nervously.

the ghost nodded and waved goodbye to the shorter, and left his brothers house. techno sighed out of relief and was about to grab finished potions, but stopped as he heard a yell from outside. he worriedly looked out the window and gasped as he saw that wilbur had been caught by technos pursuers. "aaahabsn-"

techno was quick to grab potions and quickly made a couple more, pulling his hood on his head nervously. his tail was swishing behind him as he kept glancing out the open window. he squinted his eyes in frustration when wilbur pointed to him. he swiftly grabbed the last of the finished potions and stood by the door, waiting.

his pink ear flicked when he heard footsteps getting closer to his cabins door. he inhaled deeply and let it out as he held his hand on the doorknob. as he opened it, he immediately regained his composure, attempting to stand taller than the butcher army, and partially succeeding.

"what do you want?" techno asked, tail swishing nervously once more. quackity gave him a cold stare and fluttered his wings to intimidate. "before we get to that, lets go into the snow, where theres more room if we have to fight." the butchers turned around and looked at ranboo who was standing still facing in the wrong direction. fundy arched an eyebrow, tail picking itself up. "well? turn around!" ranboo jumped and quickly turned around and speed walked down the steps.

they all stepped into the cold snow and the bloodied men stared at techno who had his hands on his hips. wilbur saw techno nudge his head to the side and smiled, waving at the older, and floated away. "so, why are you here?" techno asked, adjusting his skull mask. quackity eyed tubbo and the president nodded, stepping forward.

"we have come here to bring you back to lmanberg to face a trial." he explained, clutching his axe nervously. he tried not to show his nervousness, they all tried not to, because this was the technoblade. he was standing in front of them fully armed despite being "unprepared" earlier.

techno furrowed his eyebrows and shifted his weight to his other leg, arms falling to his sides. "why?" he asked, glaring down at tubbo warily. the president swallowed dryly, ear flicking nervously. "uh, you dont know? for all the awful things youve done to our country! you summoned withers inside the boundries AND blew it up more than wilbur had!"

techno hummed, forgetting hed done that. "oh, yeah." he mumbled, tusks gently pushing against his upper lip. fundy sighed as he swung his axe over his maroon covered shoulder. "well, if you come with us now, nothing bad will happen to you, but if you resist, we will have to use force, and there might be bloodshed. so, chose wisely." he said.

techno stayed still, going over the options. he could go with them without breaking his retirement plan, or fulfill his voices demands. it was a tough choice, but he knew what he was going to choose in the end.

techno subtly placed a hand on his sword hilt and the other on his potion filled bag, that was mostly covered by his cape. he looked around at them all, eyes meeting ranboos. the enderman jumped and shook his head, stepping back. techno huffed, warm air filing out from his parted lips.

quick moments of silence washed over the five. quackitys wings were pressing into his back, anticipating technos move. fundys tail waved slowly behind him and his ear flicked, and tubbo just held his bloodied axe in both hands, slightly shaking.

suddenly, techno shifted his leg into the snow, giving him more stability, and quickly threw many but not all of his potions into the ground under him, unsheathing his sword quickly and yelling, "FUCK YOU GUYS!" the other four were surprised, and only ranboo and fundy were quick to act. ranboo quickly ran backwards, trying to stay out of the fight as fundy pulled tubbo away from a near direct hit to him by the second most powerful person on the server.

quackitys wings subconsciously extended outwards immediately after he tried to swing his axe into technos side. but, that didnt end well as the pink haired man looked him dead in the eye and ducked down, making quackity swing at the air. he growled and tried to swing downwards as tubbo and fundy did the same. techno acted quickly and kicked fundys legs, making the fox lose his footing and fall backwards, and dove forward into tubbos legs, making the younger fall on his back.

"oof!" tubbo exclaimed, and gasped when techno shoved him off of his back, making him land head first into the snow. fundy swiftly stood and screamed when techno stabbed him in his leg. quackity had moved his axe away when tubbo landed on top of techno, not wanting to hurt the president.

techno grunted, wanting to get this over with. his red eyes darted to each person besides ranboo, and he quickly formed a plan to get rid of them. he tackled fundy and stabbed his sword into the foxs forehead, making him disappear in a simple poof. then, he stood tall and threw his sword straight into quackitys chest, making him poof away, the sword landing in the snow.

he saw tubbo struggle to run through the snow to the tallers sword, but techno knew hed do that, and he was used to the snow. so, techno hopped to his sword, using his foot to flip his sword up and as he caught it in his hand, tubbo recoiled and began to retreat, looking at ranboo for help.

the enderman simply shook his head, running off back to lmanberg. the president gave him a longing look, since this would be the end for him if techno killed him. he snapped back into reality when he saw techno towering over him menacingly. tubbo flinched, closing his eyes when techno raised his sword, and jumped when he felt a firm tap on his shoulder.

he slowly opened his eyes, looking up at the older, swallowing again. "get out of here, dont come back. im going to get phil and you are NOT going to stop me, am i clear, mr president?" he asked, tone harsh. tubbo nodded, tears filling his eyes. he quickly ran back to his country and techno sighed, walking back into his humble abode, happy they wont stop him from being himself.

but, they made him break his retirement streak, so he decided it would be pointless to let it keep going. he was gonna be good old technoblade now.

good old technoblade.

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