music-loving brothers

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Techno and Wilbur play a guitar and violin duet, while also singing together


Techno is 16
Wilbur is 15



Wilbur heard five knocks on his door, immediately catching the difference of the last two knocks. He quickly set his book down and speed-walked over to his door, turning the knob and pulling it open, showing his older brother standing there, nervous.

"Tech? Are you alright?" The younger asked, concerned. The one being addressed jumped a bit, but the sharpness in his eyes immediately softened. "Oh. Come in." The brunette whispered, smiling in understanding.

Techno returned the smile, and walked past Wilbur, going to sit on his bed. As the younger closed the door, he sat down next to his brother and held his hand out, offering it.

The pinkette snorted lightly, but reached his hand out and they intertwined their fingers. "Is this helping?" Wilbur asked, after a minute. His voice was soft and quiet, doing his best to not make his sibling's voices louder.

Techno hesitated, waiting, and then nodded. "Yes. Thank you, Wil." He mumbled, cheeks growing slightly redder, embarrassed. The younger laughed and gently squeezed Techno's hand in reassurance.

"When you're ready, wanna do a duet?" The former asked, grinning. The piglin nodded, exhaling out his nose. "Just a little longer." He muttered, ears relaxing against the sides of his head. Wilbur nodded, wings fluttering contentedly.

After two minutes filled with comfortable silence and bits of small talk, Techno slowly let go of Wilbur's hand, standing. As he strode over to the door, he turned around, facing his younger brother.

"I'm gonna go get my violin." He explained, swiftly opening the door and leaving it only slightly ajar as his hooved feet clicked through the hall. The brunette silently waited for him to come back, thankfully not having to wait too long, as Techno hated making people he liked wait.

When the older returned, Wilbur had his renowned guitar sat in his lap, his fingers caressing the smooth wood of the instrument. The younger looked up after a moment, smiling softly. Techno grinned.

They sat down on the floor together, Wilbur starting out on the duet, and Techno gracefully joining in. The music was slow and elegant, and in some parts in the middle, jumping into quick and joyful melodies, perfectly capturing the two's personalities.

This was protocol for the two when one of them had something going on. It comforted them both and to add to that, they both love strumming their fingers and gliding their bow onto the thin strings that help them create beautiful songs.

They are music-loving brothers, after all.

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