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tommy and tubbo go back to lmanberg and rest


third pov

tubbo carefully opened the door to his small, humble abode and sighed as he hopped onto his comfortable couch. tommy snickered and closed the door quietly behind him.

he lazily flopped beside the older and sighed. "well." he started. tubbo nodded beside him. "yep." they looked at each other, locking eyes.

they smiled and burst into fits of giggles. tubbo curled on the couch and hugged his stomach, tears forming under his eyelids. tommy cackled and slapped his knees, his tail flailing hysterically.

"WHAT THE FUCK-" tommy wheezed out, gripping his dirty, slightly ripped cargo pants. tubbo laughed loudly, tears of relief and desperation finally falling out.

the shorters laughs slowly turned into happy sobs, and tommys eyes began to well up with tears, their acomplishment hitting him like a wall of bricks.

as tubbos sobs became louder, tommys big baby tears poured out of his eyes, prompting him to pull his knees up to his chest, hugging them while his knuckles turned white as he gripped his pants tighter.

"we- w-we did it, tommy!" tubbo yelled, a big smile on his face. his cheeks began to hurt from how long he was holding his smile, but he didnt care. the taller nodded, his emotions clogging his throat.

as they laughed and cried, tommys clearer mind wandered off. he began to think of his... family? he didnt know if he could consider them family anymore, with how both sides had treated each other.

he was angry at both of his brothers, and especially his dad. no, not his dad. phil. just phil. the older didnt deserve the title of 'father'.

he fucked up, they all did. wilbur shouldnt have been so manipulative, techno shouldnt have been so violent, phil shouldnt have been so neglectful, and tommy shouldnt have been so unloyal.

he knew they all fucked up and hurt each other, but he really missed them. hed grown up with them for christsake. he missed them a lot, but he didnt want to take a risk of visiting them and realizing they dont want to see him.

but, he really wanted to see them, and that definitely outweighed the risk of them hating him. he allowed himself to calm his cries and laughs, and stretched, lanky limbs going limp on the couch as he relaxed.

hed do that tomorrow.

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