child gets sick

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This is in th3 past

Phil is fucking old and left for a trip with Techno who is 13
Wilbur is 12
Tommy is 5



Recently, Tommy, Puffy, and Tubbo had gone on a little candy heist with the ten dollars they were given by Puffy, and well... they got sick.

Well, Puffy didn't. She was a responsible 18 year old. Tubbo and Puffy went home so they could get him to bed. Tommy was handed to Wilbur when they realized he was sick, too.

Now, he was here. In bed, with Wilbur beside him. He could hear him silently making fun of him while also scolding him to not eat so much sugar.

He groaned childishly and turned over in his bed, his back facing him. Wilbur rolled his eyes and muffled a laugh.

"Tommy, dad's gonna be back up here soon, and you're gonna have to turn back over so you can drink water." The brunette explained, grinning.

Tommy huffed and reluctantly turned back over. "M' tummy hurts." He mumbled, glaring at the floor. Wilbur giggled and Tommy made a small noise, sitting up. The other reached over and rested a hand on his back.

"Hey, be careful, Toms." He muttered, eyebrows furrowing worriedly. The boy in slight pain glanced at his older brother, a sly look on his face. "Oh, shush, Tommy."

He burst out laughing, and then held his stomach, scrunching his face up in discomfort. Wilbur looked towards the door, wanting their father to hurry up. What was he even doing? He didn't know how to take care of a five year old.

Wilbur looked back at Tommy. He decided he would go get some water for the blonde. But, he didn't want to leave his younger brother alone.

"Hey, Tommy. I'm gonna go get you some water, okay? I'll be right back." Wilbur said, as gently as possible. This seemed to upset Tommy, seeing as he started to get out of bed, alarming Wilbur.

"Woah- wait, Toms, stay in bed. It'll be a quick thing!" He reassured, hurriedly. The shorter shook his head and clung to Wilbur's leg. "No!" He yelled, shoving his face in the brunette's knee.

He sighed, defeated, and gently pried Tommy off his leg, holding his hand. "Fine, then we can go together, alright?" He asked, an unsure smile on his face.

Tommy nodded and Wilbur sighed, relieved, and led his brother out of his room. They entered the kitchen and Wilbur quickly fetched a kids' cup and filled it with water. He sighed and handed it to the younger, helping him drink it.

When he had drank most of it and shoved the bottle away, Wilbur nodded, tiredly, and placed it in the sink, where he'd wash it later. He silently staggered back up the stairs and went to put Tommy back into bed.

The twelve year old checked the time, seeing the analog clock above Tommy's bed on the wall hit 8 pm. The brunette breathed deeply and slowly coaxed Tommy into falling asleep, shutting his bedside lamp off.

He left the room and immediately went into his room, flopping on his bed. He found it very easy to fall asleep.

In the middle of the night, possibly only two hours after he fell asleep, he found Tommy shaking him awake. He groaned and lazily sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"What is it?" He mumbled, messy hair flopping over his eye. Tommy sniffled, and pointed out the door. Then, the older realized that Tommy had been crying. He quickly shot up, wincing when the world spun around him.

When it stopped, he slowly stood and followed Tommy to the bathroom, where it clicked. "Oh, Jesus. Tommy, does your stomach still hurt?" He asked, quietly. The blonde nodded and then spoke.

"Only a little." The brunette nodded and led him back to bed, letting him sit on his blanket. "Want me to stay here until you fall asleep again?" Wilbur asked, tilting his head down a little.

Tommy nodded after a long yawn from Wilbur. The taller nodded drowsily and ruffled his brother's blonde hair and watched him slip under his red covers.

It took only five minutes of reassuring words and light squeezes of intertwined hands before Tommy was able to fall asleep, hopefully the last time tonight.

Wilbur sighed, and stood, stretching. God, he really wants to sleep. He really, really wants to sleep.

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