non binary wilbur

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Requested by SCP-PlagueDoctor

TW: idk gay people /j

Wilbur realizes it is non binary and also used it/its pronouns

Ok so keep in mind, I am transmasc but i dont think ive ever had gender dysphoria, so im going to try to keep this as close to my experience as possible so i dont really offend(?) anyone



Why did he feel so weird when someone talked about him? Not in a bad way, but just, in a way. The feeling always jumped in his throat when he heard the words 'he', 'him', and 'his'.

After at least an hour of thought, he decided he would go to his close friends to see what was going on with him. As he looked around the room, he quickly found his phone.

He grabbed it and turned it on, immediately going to Snapchat, clicking on the group chat he, Niki, and Eret had made. His eyes checked the time and he silently cursed, seeing it was almost time for dinner. His little internal dilemma would have to wait.

As Phil called Wilbur and his brothers down for food, the brunette sighed and dragged himself out of his room. He didn't have much of an appetite.

He seated himself like his other family members, and only blinked when the chatter started up and silverware clattered on the table.

"Soup tonight, huh, Phil?" Tommy questioned, voice flat and teasing. The older rolled his eyes, a warm smile on his face. "Yes. We will have something greater tomorrow if you want." He said, sitting down.

Everyone started eating, but it took Wilbur a little longer than usual to actually put food into his mouth. He wasn't sure if the others noticed, but he didn't really care. He just wanted to go back upstairs and call his friends. Wilbur did not like the words 'he', 'him', and 'his'. But what else could he use?

Techno was surprisingly first to finish, and he carefully sipped the last portion of his water, setting the clear glass down. "Eat faster, you guys. I want to take a walk." He mumbled, running a hand down his face.

Tommy nodded furiously and started devouring his soup, making Techno, Phil, and Wilbur lean back. "Gods, Tommy. Don't do that just to piss Tech off." The taller grumbled, swishing his hair out of his eyes.

Tommy burst out laughing and then coughed when Techno reached over and flicked the blonde's forehead. The youngest groaned after swallowing his soup, and flipped the pinkette off.

Phil sighed and raised his hand. A warning. He probably didn't have the best day. "Boys, calm yourselves. Tommy, Wilbur's right, so listen to him. Techno, be patient. There is always time." He scolded, voice firm.

There it was again. That funny feeling. He didn't like it, and quickly finished eating. Tommy and Phil finished right after. When the oldest let them leave, Wilbur practically ran into his room. It was then that Phil had caught on. Probably Techno as well. Maybe not Tommy.

Wilbur closed his door a little harder than he wanted, but he didn't care. He quickly grabbed his phone again and turned it on, already seeing the yellow ghost app open, and went back to the group chat.

He typed quickly, wanting to talk to them and find answers. They replied relatively quickly, and agreed to calling with him. His phone only rang once until Niki picked up, and then Eret joined.

"Hey, Wil! What's up?" Eret asked, voice light and welcoming. He smiled at that. Eret always cared. Niki always cared as well. That's probably why he liked hanging around them so much.

"Um, yeah, hi, guys. I just wanted to talk to you guys about something." Wilbur explained, slightly nervous. Niki went into worried mom mode and started reassuring him and asking him what's wrong.

He grinned, he really liked his friends. "I have been feeling... Something. I don't know what it is, but it's weird and I really needed to tell someone about it. So here I am." He rambled, fidgeting with the hem of his sweater.

"Oh, alright. Well, you can go on when you're ready, Wil." Niki said, softly. Eret hummed in agreement. Wilbur breathed before he talked, unsure.

"Um, well. I have been getting the weird feeling when I- when someone says 'he' when talking about me. Is that normal?" He muttered, anxiously.

There was a small moment of silence, and in those few seconds, the brunette feared for his life. Then, Eret spoke up. "Oh, Wilbur, I think I know what you're talking about. I have that as well."

He felt relieved, and also extremely confused. "What? You have it, too? It's not as weird as I thought it was?" Niki giggled and Eret reassured Wilbur that it was normal.

"Yeah. I haven't really come out to you guys yet, but I use he/they/she pronouns." She explained, a smile in their voice. Wilbur exhaled and let a small smile slip. "Oh, well, that's great. But, what should I use...?"

Niki and Eret thought for a moment, before giving their suggestions. "You could try they/them?" Niki replied. "Or she/her. Oh, you can also use neopeonouns. Like it/its and xe/xem." Eret said, proud of himself for spilling her knowledge.

The brunette thought about his? options. He didn't think she/her would work. "Could you guys try they/them with me? Like, right now?" They asked, curious. Eret and Niki agreed and tried them out for them.

They didn't like it. It was better than 'he' but it didn't fit. "We could try it/its?" Niki suggested. "Yes, please." Wilbur answered, grateful for its friends.

"Okay. Hey, Eret. Wilbur is going to come over in this weekend. What should we get it when we go to the mall?" Niki tried. Eret nodded to themself. "Sure. Maybe it'll like some sweet treats? It has always had a sweet tooth."

Wilbur's heart did a whole flip in its chest. It really liked these neopronouns. They fit it. "Uh, I like those. It/its. I think they fit me." It said, happy.

Niki and Eret congratulated it on finding its pronouns and they all left the call after bidding each other goodbye. Wilbur left its room to shower with a nice, warm feeling dancing in its chest.

It liked that feeling.


If you caught that Bo Burnham reference, good for you :¬]

I will give you a hint: its from Inside, and he holds a guitar in the song

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