lost pig

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ok so i have headcanons that phil adopted tommy from an adoption center and found wilbur and techno around the beach and in a forest

this is when phil finds techno and he is 24 amd techno is 14

techno pov

i dont know where i am. ive been running for god knows how long. my old family were horrible. they never gave me enough of anything that is important for my body. and they were practically rich! just because i have red eyes, unnatural pink hair, weird ears, and sharp teeth doesnt mean im less than they are!

i found a tree that ive decided to sit by. thankfully it hasnt rained so the dirt is dry, not wet. i relax my body and sigh. im so hungry. i scan the area and sigh, seeing there is nothing near that i can eat. suddenly, i hear a noise from behind me. i tense and silently stand. i turn around and quickly climb the tree, and hide in the leaves.

when i look to see who and what that person is, they glance up and meet my eyes. mine widen and i hid further in the leaves. they had greenish blue eyes. isnt that called turquoise or something? "hello?" they call out. i tense even more and take note that they have an accent. theyre definitely from europe. suddenly, theyre opening the leaf curtains i was hiding behind. i yelp and stand, getting ready to attack. they look like theyre in their mid twenties. i breathe heavily and press my back against the tree. they widen their eyes and quickly climb? back down. i relax and quickly move to the edge of the tree branch, where i peer over the edge. theyre looking back at me. dont panic. they havent tried anything. they seem friendly.

they wave and i grab the branch tighter. they seem to notice my uncertainty so they give me a friendly smile. their smile is so welcoming that it makes me want to- no what am i doing? "could you come down here please? i mean no harm, and it looks like you are hurt. i can heal you!" he put his hands up and they began to glow green. ive been told that green and pink are healing colors. i have red, which is physical magic. you use it to fight and pick things up. i jump down and cautiously near them. they smile and put their hands down.

i held my hands out, palms up since they were scratched and bleeding from climbing the tree so quickly. he softened his expression and healed my hands. i sighed at the feeling. it was warm and comfortable. when he finished, we both out our hands down. "do you have a place to live?" he asked. i thought for a bit. i abandoned my old home for being horrid to me. so, i guess i have no where to stay now. i shake my head. "no." he frowns and then gives me a war smile. "would you like to live with me and my son, wilbur? he is 13." i think about it. he seems trustworthy, and i have no where to go from here. but maybe his son is a bitch. well, itd be better thsn sleeping outside as a 14 year old pig hybrid. i nod and he grins, holding out a hand for me to take.

on the way there, he asked me some questions. "so, what is your name? mine is phil." i sigh. "technoblade. i like techno better." phil grinned. "okay, techno. how old are you?" i messed with the edge of my sleeve. "14." he made a humming sound. "im 24."

when we got to his house, i had just now noticed that he was also a hybrid. he was a raven or something. a black bird. he had wings. he helped me inside and locked the door. his house looked homey. "i like it." i blurted out. "why, thank you, techno." he said, showing me around the house. when he let me get to know my new room better, he called me and this wilbur guy into the living room. when i walked in, there was another person there. hybrid, actually. looks like im going to fit in fine. he was a fish? maybe a siren. i dont really care. he turned to look at me and he smiled, waving. "hello! you must be techno. im wilbur! it will be nice to have one more hybrid around the house." his fin ears perked up and mine did, too.

i think im going to like it here.

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