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the sleepy bois go to the ocean


third pov

phil, tommy, wilbur, and techno were in the car, on their way to the beach. it was a nice sunmer day, a little too hot for wilburs liking, but nice nonetheless. they arrived in the parking lot like everyone else, and got out of the car. when everyone was out, they closed the doors and watched as phil locked them, hearing a loud beep. phil made his way over to a slightly confused tommy and swung him over his shoulder. techno grinned and wilbur snickered.

they walked down the steep, sandy hill and wilbur inhaled deeply. techno turned his head to him and raised an eyebrow. "whats your problem, fisher price?" he asked, putting his pink hair up into a small bun. wilbur smiled and looked at techno. "oh, its not that im upset. im actually very happy to be here!" he explained, hands in his shorts pockets. techno nodded and turned his head back to the way theyre walking, and saw phil and tommy waiting for them.

techno smirked and glanced at wilbur, who stopped when he did. "wanna race?" he asked. wilburs fins perked up and he grinned evilly. "why, of course, techno." the older nodded and put up three fingers. when he put the last finger down, they both bolted. wilbur knew hed lose to techno, so he had a small plan that would sabotage technos win. neither of them would win, so it would be a tie, and wilbur was okay with that.

as techno was running, nearing the imaginary finish line, wilbur braced himself and shoved his whole weight onto techno, making the older gasp and fall over with wilbur cackling on top of him. techno groaned and pushed wilbur off of him, sitting up. "i hate you." wilbur snickered and jumped up, lending techno a hand, which techno reluctantly took. they took a couple more steps to get to the rest of the family since they didnt fall that far, and both sat next to the relaxed phil and the annoyed tommy.

"i just wanna sleep, man." tommy whined, laying back and sprawling his limbs everywhere. phil chuckled and pat his shoulder. "well, when we get back you can sleep all you like." techno rolled his eyes and also laid back, keeping his arms and legs to himself so he doesnt hit anyone. wilbur groaned. "well, youre all taking too long and i wanna swim with one of you!" wilbur exclaimed, fins flaring up. he was already taking his shirt off to go swimming.

techno sighed and got up just as phil did. the two kept their shirts on, because they were meant to be worn when swimming. "come on, tommy. im not leaving you alone here." phil said, pulling the youngest up with his hand. wilbur happily sprang up and grabbed technos hand. "what are y-" just as techno was about to start another word, wilbur dragged him as he sprinted over to the lovely ocean. techno shrieked as he was pulled and practically thrown into the slightly cold water.

he broke through the blue surface and glared at his younger brother. the siren just laughed, extremely content with the area they were in. techno noticed and smiled, also beginning to relax. as the two were calmly floating, that was when tommy decided to disrupt their peace. techno opened his eyes when he heard sound behind him. he stopped floating which of course made wilbur stop floating. techno turned around and gasped to see tommy getting ready to jump. wilbur quickly grabbed technos hand again and darted into the water.

techno eyes widened under the water, amazed at his younger brothers speed. it made sense to him, though. he was a siren so obviously hed have swimming perks. techno swam up and coughed when he inhaled air as wilbur followed him up. "well, i wasnt expectin' that." he mumbled. wilbur laughed out loud and turned his head to tommy, who was upset. wilbur cackled loudly which gained technos attention. "bruh, what are you laughin' at?" he asked, looking in the direction wilbur was looking. when he saw it, he gave a breathy laugh.

the two laughed as tommy swam over, phil following closely. "when did phil get closer?" wilbur asked. "he probably flew." techno answered, glancing at wilbur. the younger giggled. "that would make sense." the two swam over and met the youngest and oldest. "how long are we gonna stay here?" wilbur asked. phil shrugged. "its around nine now, so maybe ten." he said, fixing his shirt. the demon and piglin nodded, but the siren whined. "aw, i wanted to stay longer." phil smiled. "we can another time. but for right now, tommy wants his sleep, and i have work to do."

they all got out of the water at around 9:56 am and dried off. phil and techno dried in the sun and the other two used a dry towel. when they were all dry, they walked to the car and left the beach.

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