wingless pt. 3

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Requested by Juliebugaboo

Wilbur is gifted mechanical wings from his family


The next day went on the same as any other, though Tommy and Techno had been a little quieter when talking at the table during breakfast, lunch, and dinner times.

Nothing else happened for a week, and that's when Techno came up with an idea.


"Tommy, come here. I wanna talk to you," Techno said, knocking on his little brother's door. He heard scrambling on the other side and then the door slowly slid open.

"What do you want, Techno? I'm busy playing games with Ranboo!" Tommy grumbled, annoyed. Techno stared at him with a straight face, then grabbed his hand and dragged him towards his own room.

When the door closed, Tommy's wings puffed up, and he glared at Techno. "What?! Tell me already, you know I hate it when you just do that and don't say anything."

Techno looked at him and nodded, hands going to the ends of his shirt to mess with them. "Uh, sorry. I haven't fixed that habit yet. I think you could tell, though.

"I brought you in here with me so we can discuss a plan to make Wilbur a pair of wings," he explained, going over to one of his many bookshelves. Tommy's whole attitude vanished, and he ran to Techno's side.

"How are we going to do that? I don't know how to build, and I've never seen you get taught." Tommy pointed out, a bit confused. Techno grinned and turned to Tommy, holding a fairly large book in his hands. "That's why we're asking Phil."


Phil flipped to the next page, the soft paper in between his fingers parting from the next. He was reading one of Techno's favorite novels since he had been talking about it to him all week. Techno had finally finished it and lended it to Phil.

He almost finished chapter four when a choir of knocks came from beyond his door. He chuckled to himself and bookmarked the page, closing the red velvet-colored book.

"Come in, boys," he chirped, smiling when Tommy slammed the door open with Techno directly behind him. "Hi, dad! We need a big favor from you." Tommy exclaimed, tail wagging excitedly. Techno's lips tugged upwards just a bit.

"Oh? And what is this favor?" Phil responded, standing from his chair. Tommy glanced at Techno, and he stepped forward. "We want to make mechanical wings for Wilbur that work and everything, but we don't know how to build a functioning pair."

Phil stood silent for a moment, and then his wings fluttered. He winked at his children and walked past them, out of his room. Techno and Tommy looked at each other and grinned, telepathically agreeing on racing.

They ran, following Phil out to the backyard, where their large shed stood. Tommy always regarded it as creepy, but it was clean and had been freshly painted a couple months ago.

Phil loudly pulled the door open and stepped inside, waving the other two inside. He turned the light on and turned to Tommy and Techno. "Do you two want to help me make some wings?"

Tommy's eyes widened and he flapped his wings, hovering in the air. Techno grinned a strictly family-only grin, and Phil clapped his hands. "There's iron and copper in the back. Go grab them for me and I'll work on the blueprints."


Wilbur was bored, and when you're bored you want to do something, anything, because that's how boredom works, right? Well, Wilbur didn't have anything to cure it because Tommy and Techno were already busy doing something with dad.

He was a bit jealous, since they probably just covered going flying with dad as 'busy', but it wasn't the end of the world. So, he decided to sleep the whole day.

That didn't bode well on his sense of time, but that was fine for him. He pulled his arm from off his forehead and lazily searched for his phone on his bedside table.

Eventually, he found it and looked at the time after squinting from the sudden light in his face. It read 11:25 pm, and he put his phone back and sat up. He was kinda hungry.

He staggered out of his room and entered the kitchen, where he started rummaging through the cabinets and fridge to find something that his taste buds wanted to consume.

"Why is there absolutely nothing to munch on?" He whispered, half-expecting an answer. He did, but it wasn't to the question he just asked.

"Hey, Wil. I was just going to grab you. What're you doing awake?" Techno asked, hands in his hoodie pockets. Wilbur jumped and swiveled around in his spot. He felt like he got caught doing something very bad, but all he'd been doing was looking for a snack.

"Oh, hey, Tech. I was just hungry," he replied, swaying in his spot. "Okay, well, dad wants you out back and he wanted me to escort you outside." Wilbur blinked, confused. "Why outside? And behind our house?"

Techno chuckled and shook his head.  "He's not gonna hurt you, don't worry. We just have a early birthday gift for you." Now Wilbur was intruiged. If it was early, it was probably good. Maybe it was a new guitar to replace his old one that broke a while back! "Alright, pink-hair. I'll follow you."

It didn't take long for them to walk across the house and into the backyard, but it sure did feel like walking a thousand miles to Wilbur. He was very excited, even though he might not have been showing it.

When he saw what Phil and Tommy were covering with a blue tarp, he knew that was the surprise. "Hello, Wilbur. Sorry for making you come out this late," Phil said, apologetic. "But, I felt that this couldn't wait."

Wilbur waved a dismissive hand towards him, a small smile on his face. "It's fine, dad. I'm sure whatever this is, it'll be worth it." Tommy grinned at him from the other side of Phil, and fluttered over to him.

Wilbur laughed and ruffled his hair, affectionately. "Alright, are you ready, Wil?" Phil asked, both hands finding their places on the cover. He nodded, a big uncontrollable grin on his face.

Phil tugged on the tarp and everyone watched it fall to the grass, off of what it was formerly covering. Wilbur's eyes widened. He felt tears welling up in them and his jaw practically dropped to the floor.

Techno and Tommy anticipated his reaction, both fidgeting beside him. Wilbur laughed again, and felt warm tears slide down his face. He hugged his brothers tightly, a euphoric mixture of laughter and crying erupting from Wilbur's mouth.

Phil smiled and ran towards the huddled bunch, wrapping his arms and wings around all of his kids. "Thank you guys so, so much! This is amazing! I- I'll be able to fly with you all." He shouted, pure happiness blooming in his chest.

They collectively laughed and cried and hugged each other until they inevitably became tired and sluggish. They slept in the living room together.

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