chaos team

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lmao rivalstwt but make it childhood friends skksjdkkakejrkskjd

also the video has nothing to do with this i just decided to add it because its simply a good song

techno: 15
dream: 14


third pov

"get back here, dream!" the said boy laughed and ran faster, grinning wide when he heard a frustrated groan behind him.

he stopped abruptly and whirled around, facing the piglin, and he yelped when his feet were sweeped from out under him.

when he hit the ground, he wiped the dirt from his face and, with a goofy smile, looked up at the kid who caused him to fall.

"shouldnt have done that, because i won. again." techno said, pulling a bandaid out of his dads small pouch he borrowed.

he helped dream sit up and added the bandaid to the youngers cheek, covering the small cut that was there.

techno held a poorly bandaged hand out for the slightly taller to take, and pulled him up. dream giggled and techno smiled, sighing though his nose.

then, he raised his hand and flicked dreams forehead, laughing at dreams surprised face. "hey, whatd you do that for?" the younger asked, pouting childishly.

techno barked in laughter and firmly punched dreams shoulder, making the other unsteadily step backwards. "cause, i can,"

he sighed, smile still on his face. "also your balance is off. we'll go again in one and a half minutes." techno informed, turning backwards and walking to two small tree trunks.

he sat down and pulled the borrowed pouch onto his lap. he pulled out two bottles of water and sat one on the other trunk. as dream ran over and swiped the bottle up, techno downed some water.

a minute was up, and they had thirty seconds, so techno stood, putting the water back in the pouch, and walked over to the clear dirt area theyd cleaned up to spar and play physical contact games.

dream hurried to put his sealed bottle away and ran over, wiping dirt covered hands on his green shirt. techno grimaced at the sight, and shook his head.

dream noticed, and tilted his head. "what?" the older huffed, eyebrows furrowed together, taking on a fighting stance. seeing the other do so, dream wiped his face with his arm and did the same.

"now your shirt is dirty. dont you like that one?" techno asked, bending his knees slightly. dream nodded, doing the same, and the two drew their wooden weapons at the same time.

techno drew a surprisingly good, sharp sword that he called, "the blade" from his leather weapon holder. dream drew a less good, sharp sword from his holder, that hed named, "techno destroyer".

techno and dream stayed still for a little longer, waiting for the other to pounce, before dream made the first move. "yeah, its my favorite shirt," dream continued, dodging one of technos swipes.

"but its just a shirt. i can get another." techno came to a halt and waited half a second for dream to try and stop himself from ramming into the older, and kicked dream just below his chest, winding him.

techno smirked triumphantly as dream fell backwards on his butt, sheathing his wooden sword. he made quick steps forward and offered a hand to dream once he regained his breath.

as dream stood with the help of his best friend, he laughed. "wow, techno. you cheater!" techno giggled at this and rolled his eyes. "whatever. there is no way to cheat while fighting.

"well, not one youd know of." he teased, laughing loudly when dream tried to punch him in the face. the younger grumbled, no actual heat behind it, and kicked technos calf as hard as he could, knocking the older over.

when dream heard a thud, and dirt was thrown into his face, he cackled, placing his hands on his hips confidently. his confidence quickly vanished when he was once again sweeped off his feet, his back hitting the hard dirt.

"not so tough now, huh?" techno commented, a smile heard in his voice. dream giggled and watched as the other sat up, stretching. "we should go home. its getting dark." he added, pointing to the sky.

dream sat up as well and looked, mouth going agape at the sight of the sunset. "wow, its so pretty!" he said, grinning. techno hummed in agreement and stood, carefully. dream grunted as he got up, and followed techno to the trunks.

techno gave him his water bottle and slung the pouch over his dirtied shoulder. they turned to wach other and nodded.

"wait, before we part ways, i wanted to tell you about a name i came up with that refers to both of us!" dream exclaimed, an excited grin plastered on his slightly bruised and dirt covered face.

when techno nodded for him to keep going, he obliged happily. "we can call our duo 'chaos team'! it sounds so cool, dont you think?" he asked, emerald eyes wide with excitement.

techno thought over it and shook his head, smiling slightly. "it sounds dumb. i like it." he said, finally, as his tail flicked in internal conflict of wagging and not wagging.

dream nodded and waved to techno, the older waving back, as they parted ways.

"chaos team?" dream whispered, bumping technos shoulder with his own. "perhaps." the older answered, the same quiet, anticipation in his voice.

dream grinned evilly and nodded, staring ahead. "ive got your back." they walked forward. "let loose the hounds." dream ordered, playfully.

techno smirked, eyes gleaming, almost glowing in excitement. he nodded.

chaos team.

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