abandoned bitch boy

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requested by KitKatKittyKat8

phil finds tommy for the first time

phil is 24
techno is 14
wilbur is 13
tommy is 6


third pov

phil walked down the cold, dark sidewalk, hands in his pockets, his two sons following close behind him. techno holding phils trench coat so they didnt lag behind, and wilbur holding onto technos hand, so he didnt feel scared. they stopped by small bushes decorated with flowers of different colors, and then kept walking after looking at them. they neared a corner and were about to continue into it but stopped, hearing a small sob. phil looked around and glanced at his sons.

technos ears were perked up, alert, and phil noticed his hand had tightened on his own trenchcoat. wilburs fins were also perked out, but he guessed it was out of fear, since the younger didnt look as fearless as techno did. he slowly approached the sound, seeing something move behind a bush. techno and wilbur were following, bit keeping a small distance. when the bush rustled again, phil got a small glance of blonde hair. wilbur was hugging technos arm at this point, and the older was trying his best to comfort him. he was whispering, "its okay," and "we are goin' to be fine." it had helped quite a bit, assistes by the warm back rubs techno gave him.

wilbur picked his head out of technos shoulder and wiped his eyes with his yellow sleeve. "thanks," he said, quietly, smiling at techno gratefully after. techno awkwardly nodded and turnes his flushed face to phils crouched down figure. he felt wilbur slowly let go of his arm when he moved forward. he looked back and saw wilbur shaking his head, tears visible from the lightpost illuminating their spot above them. techno sighed and walked back to the younger, a small smile on his face. they hugged and when techno pulled away, wilbur stayed. techno smiled wider and went back in.

they stayed like that until phil walked up to them, tapping them both on the backs. wilbue jumped and pulled away quickly, startled, and techno took a split second to register what happened. when he did, he put his arms down and stared up at phil. wilbur neared techno again and looked at phil as well, a confused look in his eyes. phil put a finger over his mouth and went "shhh." they understood and all three of them walked quietly to the bush. they kneeled down and phil pulled the leaves away, letting his sons see a poor boy crying. wilburs eyes widened, his fins perking up a small bit in worry. technos eyes examined the boy and he glanced at phil.

"phil, what do we do?" wilbur whispered, fins drooping. phil put a hand on the sirens shoulder. "i have an idea. but we have to be calm around him, okay?" he whispered. wilbur and techno nodded, standing so phil could do all the work. "hey, little buddy." phil started, being as quiet as possible while trying to make noise. the boy jumped and backed away after picking his head up ans seeing phil. phils wings fluttered and extended a little out of surprise, having been startled by the boys sharp movements. he frowned and slowly retracted his wings. "its okay, im not going to hurt you." he said, softly. the boy sniffled and wiped his eyes, staying still.

phil inhaled silently and sat down. the boys tail flicked, and phil noticed. he smiled. "you have a tail? thats cool." he complimented, silently. the boy wiped his eyes and relaxed a small bit. phil smiled wider at him, and slowly extended his wings. "i have wings. i can fly with them, too." he said, trying to befriend the hurt boy. wilbur slowly neared phil but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. he turned around and stared at his older brother, confused. "what are you doing, techno?" said boy had a nervous look on his face. "phil is handlin' it fine. i dont wanna interupt." he said, quickly. phil heard them whispering, and so did the frail boy. his tail wrapped around his arm in complete fear, and he moved back.

phil quickly retracted his wings and held his hands up. "hey, hey its okay. they wont hurt you either. theyre my sons, and they are super nice, okay?" he whispered, tone going soft again. technos ears went down and he gripped his sweater tightly. wilburs fins drooped again and he pulled techno into a hug. techno sighed and wrapped his cold hands around wilburs shoulders. "okay..." wilbur whispered. techno pulled away and looked down. phil held a hand out as the boy slowly but surely calmed down. the boy skeptically stared up at phil, but then grabbed his hand, and felt himself get pulled up onto his weak legs.

wilbur and techno looked at phil and held hands once more. phil smiled warmly at the boy and extended a wing behind the boy, helping him become stable. "my name is phil, and these are my sons. the one with brown hair is wilbur and the one with pink hair is techno." phil explained, gesturing to his two sons with his free hand. techno gave the boy a shy smile and a small wave, going behind wilbur. the other boy, however, grinned widely and waved happily, light practically radiating off his smile. the boy smiled a little, seeing the two were not close to being threats, like phil had stated before. phil led them all back home and made sure to immediately make food for the boy who still hadnt said his name.

while phil was cooking some meat and vegetable sides, techno, wilbur, and the boy whose name was unknown sat on the comfortable couch with a blanket draped on the smallest. techno was also carefully tending to the boys wounds, since phil had taught him a lot in the first couple of months living together. wilbur just watched intently as technos neat handiwork. the boy was fidgeting with his own fingers, and his eyes were darting around, looking at their house. wilbur noticed and spoke up. "do you like it? its nice and cozy, right? i know that i like it. its really nice. especially me and technos room! the wall is purple and the beds are so comfortable, and-"

as wilbur was rambling, he felt a chilly hand over his own, and he looked down to see techno leaned over. "wil, youre overwhelmin' him." wilbur furrowed his eyebrows before glancing at a now nervous less hurt little boy. techno slowly retracted his hand and sighed, going back to helping the boys bruises and what not. wilburs eyes widened and his fins drooped in guilt. "sorry! i didnt know i was going on and on-" he stopped when the boy spoke instead of techno. "its okay." he whispered, voice raspy. wilbur and technos eyes widened, obviously not expecting him to talk. technos shock passed relatively quickly, but wilburs face held for a little longer. the boy shook his head in awkwardness. "my name is tommy."

techno nodded and wilbur shook his head, and then grinned. "okay, tommy! i like that name." he said, leaning back into the couch. techno had just finished fixing tommys boo-boos when phil had walked in with a plate of cooked meat, steaming vegetables, and a glass of water. he sat them on the table in front of the couch and gestured to tommy. "here, eat up." tommy flickes his tail and quickly started eating, eyes widening when his taste buds tasted the meat. techno stood from the couch and walked over to phil. "his name is tommy." he informed, pulling his hair tie out of his hair. phil nodded and walkes upstairs into the hallway, going to the bathroom.

when he came back, he saw tommy had eaten eveeything off his plate and was currently chugging his glass of water. he glanced at the other boys worriedly. he slowly walked towards them and ushered them to bed. when techno and wilbur were in bed, he grabbed the empty plate and cup, going to put them in the sink. he came back to find a clueless tommy. "do you feel comfortable sleeping alone?" phil asked, sitting beside tommy with comfortable distance. tommy shook his head and saw phil nod understandingly. he went to turn the light off and came back to the couch, draping himself in a separate blanket. tommy rewrappes himself in the blanket he was already using s fell fast asleep, feeling safe for the first time in a while.

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