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requested by tododekufan123455

tommy, despite being the youngest, outgrows techno, the oldest, and is also now the shortest


third pov

techno wakes up to another day of being the shortest. he didnt like it, and he was deciding that from now on hed wear his heels that he had for a couple months that he never wore unless it was to an mcc, just in case he won. they would make them 6 feet tall, which still wouldnt be good enough to beat tommy, who was now fucking 6'3". he groaned and sat up in his bed. but what if they knew he only got heels because he was jealous? that would mean more teasing. whatever. he walked out after getting out of pajamas, his hair in a low ponytail. he sighed and sat at the dining table. he put his arms on the table and then put his head on them. phil looked at him and smiled. "good morning. youre the first awake, besides me, of course." he said, chuckling.

"what do you want to eat?" techno shook his head. "im not hungry." phil sighed and walked to the fridge. "youre having eggs." techno groaned. "i just said im not-" phil cut him off, wings fluttering. "youre not restarting that awful routine, techno." said hybrid sighed and allowed phil to cook his breakfast. techno reluctantly picked up the fork he was given as his plate was placed on front of him. phil sat down in front of him and pet technos hair, watching him obey his body's needs. technos every movement became a little slower after that. phil chuckled at this, and kept going. when he finally finished, phil took his plate and rinsed it. techno sighed and stretched, staggering to the couch.

he flopped on it and watched as tommy and wilbur walked downstairs. they sat at the table as phil put down more plates of eggs. phil smiled at techno and walked over. he sat beside the tired farmer and pat his head twice. techno closed his eyes and breathed through his nose softly. his eyes begrudgingly opened when he heard silverware clattering against plates and footsteps nearing his area. he saw tommy reach out and felt himself get pulled upwards. he sleepily looked up at tommy and blushed in embarrassment when tommy picked him up, bringing him up to his younger brothers height. tommy burst into laughter and put techno down. techno grumbled and rubbed his eyes. he went up stairs and came down with fancy socks that had no cloth covering the heel or toes, letting his piglike toe things breathe freely. he walked towards the door when he was stopped.

he turned to see wilbur. "where are you going?" he asked, fins perked up. techno exhaled. "the mall. for... shoes." wilbur seemed to believe the first part. "what type of shoes are we talking about, older brother?" techno groaned when the last two words slipped out od his younger brothers mouth. if wilbur or tommy used that, they were teasing him. "its none of your business!" he said, face flushed red, eyes avoiding wilburs. "big brother, what are you actually getting!?" he yelled, so tommy got the signal. and soon to technos dismay, tommy was rushing over. "ooh, what are you getting, big brother?" he teased, nearly bursting out in laughter.

techno grumbled and pusher them away. "shoes..." he mumbled, ears down. "what type of shoes, older brother?" wilbur asked, poking technos forehead. techno huffed and turned around. he opened the door and quickly slammed it when he stepped foot outside. he groaned when he realized it was raining, and went back inside. "whatre you doing, big brother?" tommy asked. techno ignored him and walked upstairs, camr back down with his cape that also had a hood, and left after putting the hood over his head. he walked outside again and summoned his trident, and flew away.

he arrived at the mall and put his trident away and pulled his hood down when he was inside. he breathed in the weird smell of the mall and walked to the shoe area. when he left the store he had two pairs of black two inch platforms, just incase one got stolen or ripped up. when he flew home with his trident, he put it away and swiftly opened the door and walked upstairs. well, thats what he wanted to happen. when he walked in the house, he saw tommy and wilbur waiting on the couch. and the reason he stopped is because phil was blocking the stairway. "youre helping them?!" techno exclaimed, face flushing light red. phil smiled and nodded. "im a curious man, too, you know." techno rolled his ruby red eyes and took his hood off.

his ears perked up as phil swiftly lurched forward, hands aiming to grab the bag. techno briskly blocked his dad and gently shoved him away, putting the bag behind his back. "no, no, no. we are NOT playing this game! i refuse!" he yelled, beginning to panic. phil nodded to wilbur and tommy and techno watched as they stood sharply. tommy groaned as he held his head. "too fast-" and then sat back down. wilbur glared at him for a split second and then locked his eyes with mine. he saw movement out of his peripheral vision and quickly acted. techno kicked wilburs shin, which he obviously wasnt expecting, and watched as he kneeled down to grab his aching shin. then, techno dodged a grabby hand from phil and sprinted to the stairs.

phil audibly gasped and used his wings to dart through the air and get close on techno. techno heard flapping and then fast footsteps behind him and already knew what happened. he screamed and quickly ran into his room and closed the door. phil grinned and knocked on the door, wings retracting. techno was sat up against the door, trying his best to calm his heart that was currently pumping with adrenaline. "okay, i forfeit! theyre platforms, okay?!" he yelled, hugging the bag close to his chest. phil laughed out loud and hit the door with his hand. "thats it? i was expecting something sexual related!" he exclaimed, howling with laughter. wilbur ran upstairs with tommy thrown over his shoulder and sighed. "what is it?"

phil turned to him and controlled his laughter. "he got platforms." the dad explained. wilbur sighed. then he realized. "wait, for what reason?" technos ears drooped and the others could tell he was blushing. "what do you think, fisher price?" he said, the question distorted through the door. it took wilbur a couple of seconds, and then he started laughing. tommy was just passed out at this point, and phil was cackling again.

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