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requested by aestheticobbsessed


techno is reminded of his bad past with his family when tommy goes in for a high five


third pov

techno wasnt one for high fives, and never had been. so when he walked downstairs to see that tommy had won a game of mario kart, he was unpleasantly surprised.

when techno heard yelling from downstairs, he decided to investigate, wondering if they had gotten into a fight, or someone got hurt. when he finally made it down the stairs, he was a little surprised but also very relieved that no one was fighting or got hurt. he didnt deal well with the yelling part. his biological family can be thanked for that.

"what happened?" the pink haired pig asked. the three others turned to look at him and their already big smiles got bigger. tommy stood and ran to him. tommy shoved a fist into the air which he slightly flinched at, though no one noticed. "i won 5 games of mario kart in a row, techno!!" he yelled, happily. techno smiled and gave him a thumbs up. "good job, nerd." tommy grinned and raised his hand up for a high five. now, normally this wouldnt be a problem. but, thing is, tommy raised it exceptionally fast.

and techno had flinched very hard.

his ears had went down and he had started shaking. tommy immediately put it back down and that made him flinch again, just as hard. tommys demon tail went down and he panicked, looking at phil. the winged man immediately approached techno with carefulness. techno, who had his head down, slowly picked his head up, staring at phil with very noticeable fear and tears in his eyes. phils expression softened and he showed the smaller hybrid that he had no intention of hurting him. that had calmed techno down a little bit, but when phil stepped closer, he tensed up. phil had noticed, and took a step back, slowly raising his hands.

technos ears slowly perked up and he quickly scanned the room, like he would usually do when he was panicked or scared when he was younger, and he rarely did it now. so rare to thr point none of the others, not even phil, knew he had the habit of doing it. tommy had taken multiple steps back at this point, and wilbur was side hugging him. "techno?" phil asked, in the most gentle voice he could muster. techno flinched slightly, eyes shedding some tears, but showed signs of calming down. phil gave him a soft, sad smile and opened his arms. techno got the message and cautiously walked into his arms. when he had wrapped his arms around the older, he felt careful arms wrap around his shaking frame. his eyes had began to shed more tears, and he hugged his dad tighter.

phil sighed in relief, closing his eyes and hugged his oldest son with his arms and wings tighter, making techno feel safe and secure. phils eyes snapped open when he heard techno sniffle quietly. he slowly pulled away and looked down into the smallers eyes. "are you okay, techno?" he asked, softly. techno shook his eyes, shedding more tears. he shakily inhaled and when he exhaled, he let out a sob and covered his mouth, tears busrting out of his eyes. phils heart broke at the sight, and he carefully led techno onto the couch. when phil made a move to leave, techno let out another sob unintentionally, and whimpered into his own hand. phil smiled and took his dark green jacket thing off, and placed it around techno. "its okay. im just going to the kitchen to grab a drink for you. what do you want?" techno hiccuped and whispered, "milk." phil nodded and pat technos head before slowly leaving into the kitchen. techno kept his eyes glued on tommys hand that was raised into the air and he began to shake as just now the memories decided to waltz on in.


techno had slowly opened the front door to hear the sound of his father yelling. his ears flattened and he carefully closed the door and tried his best to be quiet as he descended down the hall into his room, but was stopped as he felt a firm grip on his backpack. he froze, slowly turning his head around to see the angry look on his fathers face. he was suddenly forced backwards and fell onto his back, head hitting the floor very hard. he had already started to feel dazed, even though he was only less than a minute into one of the abuse sessions.

he felt himself get picked up by the hair, and he winced, biting his lip so hard to the point where it drew blood. a rough hand that had been cut by broken glass multiple times forced technos chin up. when he opened his eyes, he was thrown to the ground and heard his backpack being thrown to the ground beside him. "stay there," was all he heard before his father had walked away from him. he let out a sigh of relief as he was given a small break, though nothing he had ever felt in the past would come close to what he would feel in the next few minutes.

he looked over his shoulder and saw his dad with an empty beer bottle in his hand. when he met his fathers eyes, he spoke, "get up, boy." and so he did. he stood on wobbly legs that had been beat so many times it hurt to sit down. he only heard the loud sound of glass hitting the edge of a counter as his eyes were glued to his shoes. he had flinched at the sound, of course. who wouldnt? something sharp touched his chin, and it was forced up by what he realized was the sharp end of a broken bottle. he looked into his fathers eyes with fear. suddenly, his father striked.

he jerked backwards as the glass cut into his cheek. he regained his balance and clenched his hands into fists, bracing for the next hit. when it never came, he opened his tear filled eyes and was immediately swept off his feet. his forearms thankfully cushioned his face, but not much else. his hair was pulled once again as he was forced to stand on battered and bruised legs. he grunted as he was shoved away and he surprisingly regained his balance quite quickly. then, he was punched in the nose. he fell backwards and the last thing he saw was a hand, raised and suddenly it came down to rain hell on his cheek.

he was snapped out of his trance when phil shook his shoulder. he looked up at him, scared, but realized he was someone he trusted. someone he loved as family. he also realized he was breathing rapidly and shaking uncontrollably, with tommy and wilbur crouching beside him. his eyes quickly scanned over all of them and his brain registered them all as safe people, so he sighed shakily and hiccuped. phil frowned and gave techno the milk. he sniffled and grabbed it with shaking hands, quickly taking a sip so it wouldnt spill. they all looked at the second oldest with severe amounts of worry ans concern. though, tommy was ridden with guilt. he caused that reaction out of techno. hes the reason hes shaken up and panicking.

tommy felt a hand rest on his shoulder, and he realized it was wilbur. "hey, its okay. you didnt mean to." the older whispered, patting his younger brother on the back. tommys eyes teared up and he shook his head, turning his attention to techno. he was still shaking, even more so than before he was on the couch thanks to his flashback. he took another sip of thr milk and inhaled shakily, exhaling for three seconds. phil smiled at his attempts to become calmer and he pet him, slowly. techno sighed and brought the glass up to his lips for another sip, but stopped. phil noticed, of course, and brought his hand away from technos head. "whats wrong, son?" he asked, worried for his boy. techno looked into his dads eyes, less fear in his eyes than before.

"i-im sorry." he mumbled, tearing up once more. phil frowned and carefully grabbed the glass of milk from his hands. then, he pulled him into a warm hug. techno immediately hugged back and closed his eyes, burying his face in phils shoulder. wilbur turned the TV off and tommy slowly sat beside techno on the couch. phil pulled away and followed suit. wilbur grinned softly at them all and dimmed the lights, going to sit besidd them. techno wiped his eyes and sniffled. then, he sighed and looked at phil. "im... i think im okay now." he said, breathing in and out as stable as he could. phil smiled and pulled techno in for another hug, this time it being because he was proud.

"now, you know tommy didnt mean to scare you, right?" phil asked. tommy tensed and hugged his knees to his chest. techno gasped and nodded. "y-yeah, of course i know. hes my brother. i know hed never purposely hurt me like that." tommys head perked up at that. he was extremely relieved to have heard that from techno. he didnt want his older brother to be afraid of him. his tail made a wave and they all knew that meant he was in his calm happy mode. techno carefully turned to look at tommy and smiled. "im really sor-" tommy was abruptly cut off as techno hugged him. "its really not your fault, tommy. you, nor none of them knew, but if it makes you feel better, i forgive you." tommy beamed and wrapped his arms around techno.

when they pulled away, techno gave him a warm smile, and then they both turned to the two others on the couch. phil was first to speak. "so, are you okay with telling us about your past?"

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