hey girl, ive been exiled and i dont know how to start a fire

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ghoschlatt (haha thanks GreenAgator i think) follows ghostbur and tommy after tommy gets exiled, and helps them out since neither of them know/they forgot how to set up camp


third pov

wilbur frowned in confusion as tommy ran away from lmanberg. he quickly floated behind the younger, worried. "tommy, what happened?" he asked, clutching to his blue. tommy turned to him aggressively, tears pouring down his face. wilburs fins drooped sadly. "wha...?" he mumbled, holding his blue item to his chest. then, he shook his head, handing tommy the small chunk of lapis lazuli. tommy sniffled and took it, walking away. wilbur sighed and pulled his inventory out, grabbing some more blue.

they wandered around until tommy found a small forest area. he saw a small pool of water and wanted to relax near it. he decided that he would settle here for now, and took his shoes off, rolling his pant legs up to his knees. he stood and slowly walked closer to the water, stepping in until it was at his lower shins. wilbur slowly floated beside him, sitting down. "so, you have not told me what happened yet." he said, glancing at his younger brother.

tommy sighed and rinsed his face with the water. "tubbo exiled me from lmanberg. he told me that my discs were worth nothing whrn i tried to get them back from dream. but, dream threatened to put giant walls around lmanberg so we couldnt get out if i tried to get them back, because 'theyre his'." tommy said, huffing frustrated breaths. he groaned and put his head in his wet hands, upset.

wilbur frowned and scooted another piece of blue closer to the blonde. tommy lifted his head and glared at wilbur, using his tail to shove the lapis away. "i DONT WANT IT!" he yelled, balling his hands into fists. before wilbur could speak, he stood and trudged off, leaving his pant legs up and shoes alone. wilbur sighed and gathered the unwanted material, stuffing it back in his nearly empty inventory. he stood and lifted his feet off the ground.

he slowly followed tommy, but stopped when he spotted a light blue from the corner of his eye. he gasped, fins perking up. "ooh, more blue?" he uttered, eyes widening excitedly. he quickly floated in the direction of the comforting color and peered over a tree, seeing a familiar figure walking around, seemingly calm.

he smiled, jumping out from the tall tree, happily floating to the younger. "hey, schlatt! what are you doing here?" he asked, smiling. the shorter turned around and smiled. "oh, hey, wil. im just walking around, and i didnt realize i went this far. what about you?" he said, hands in his black pockets.

the taller smiled and floated closer to the ram. "ive just been following tommy. he got into trouble because he wanted his discs, and tubbo didnt like that, so he exiled him." wilbur explained, hands behind his back. schlatt nodded and sighed. "im beginning to believe tubbo is becoming more and more like me." he whispered, itching his ear. "is thst good?" wilbur asked, curious. schlatt laughed breathily and shook his head. "no, its not."

they talked for a small bit longer until they heard a loud, british yell from a certain teenager. "oh, thats him! come with me! i like talking to you." wilbur said, grinning. schlatt paused for a moment, going over the reactions tommy would have, and sighed, obliging. wilbur happily squealed and grabbed his hand, dragging him along to tommys direction.

"hey, tommy!" the taller yelled, waving his free hand. tommy turned to see the two, grimacing at the sight of the ram, and rolled his eyes, trying his best to put a tent up. wilbur and schlatt snickered, the latter in a more teasing way. "hah, you got exiled and you can barely put up a tent? arent you like 16? youre a kid, you should know this." he said, eyebrows raised, amused.

tommy grunted and stood, glaring at the dead ram, and then going straight back to his "neat" work. wilbur only stood beside the shorter, watching tommy struggle to build his temporary shelter. "well, are you just gonna watch me, wil?" he exclaimed, eyes narrowed angrily. wilburs fins flattened against the sides if his head, and he shook his head. "i dont know how." tommy groaned and froze when schlatt stepped closer to him.

the youngest quickly stood, startled. "what are you doing?!" he yelled, getting ready to defend hinself. schlatt shook his head and turned his attention to the poorly set up tent. "im helping you, idiot." he said, fixing the tent with ease. tommy relaxed and rolled his eyes, tail flicking. "whatever, old man." he mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"im guessing you need help with a fire, too?" schlatt said, one eyebrow raised. tommy groanrd and nodded, looking up at the orange sky. schlatt rolled his eyes playfully and sighed, smiling to himself a little bit. he sent the younger off to grab some wood, and turned to the resting wilbur. he sighed and slowly sat down on the soft grass. when tommy came back, he plopped the wood down and watched schlatt pull them closer to him, grabbing them and aligning them in a weird circle.

he quickly started a fire and sat back, head hitting the grass. tommy sighed and laid down, head being cushioned by his own arm. he didnt like that schlatt was around, but he liked that he wasnt the prick he was as the president of manberg.

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