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Requested by chillcloudycow

Tw: blood, mention of spiders, spider bites

Crimeboys being brothers

Every "-" is a different scene


Tommy ran around the room, hands in the air. He laughed, obnoxiously chanting, "Wilbur's got a girlfriend!" Wilbur groaned and pulled his knees to his chest, shoving his face into them. "Shut up, Tommy."

Tommy cackled, stopping right in front of his brother on the couch. He snickered and jumped into the free spot next to him. "So, Sally, huh?" Wilbur's face heated up, but he stayed silent, not wanting to give Tommy a reaction.

The child grumbled, playfully shoving Wilbur's side. He jumped and pushed him right back, grinning when Tommy toppled on his back. "Wow, Toms. Didn't Techno teach us to never keep our guard down?"

Tommy sat up and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but that's only during fights, stupid!" Wilbur laughed, clutching his stomach, and Tommy found himself quickly following his actions.

"You're so dumb, you know?" Wilbur said, through bursts of laughter. Tommy hacked, choking on his cackles and, with little to no strength, punched Wilbur's face. He sputtered, laughing harder.

"Wilbur, Wilbur stop laughing- I'm gonna pee myself!"


"Boys, I'm home." Phil hollered, placing the many grocery bags on the kitchen counter. After hearing only silence, he became a bit concerned. The hairs on the back of his neck stood, and he hastily walked up the stairs.

As he reached the hall, he went to check Tommy's room first. After opening it and turning the light on after hearing nothing, he felt a pang of fear hit his chest. Tommy wasn't there.

He turned the light off and backed away, approaching Wilbur's door in a hurry. He opened it, and sighed, relieved. There was a dim lamp already on, and Wilbur and Tommy were in this room.

He then realized what this meant. Wilbur allowed Tommy to come and sleep with him in his room. He quietly chirped with delight and gently closed the door, tail wagging excitedly.


"Tommy! Toms, are you alright?" Wilbur exclaimed, as quietly as possible, eyes spotting Tommy kneeled against a tree, clutching his leg. Tommy looked up, meeting his brother's eyes, and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Wil! Just a little hurt in my leg!" He whisper-yelled back, swiftly downing a healing potion. When Tommy lifted his hand from his leg, there was a splatter of blood on his palm, and lots dripping from his calf.

Wilbur's eyes widened and he scanned the area. When he saw no danger nearby, he ran to Tommy and swiftly pulled out a cloth, wiping up the blood. "You sure you're alright? That's a lot of blood for just a leg wound." Tommy rolled his eyes, scoffing.

"Yeah, man. I know you saw me drink that healing pot. I'm fine," he reassured, patting Wilbur on his shoulder. He quickly retracted his arm, however, when Wilbur winced.

"Wil?" Wilbur sighed and looked Tommy in his eyes. "Tommy, a spider only bit me. It's alright." Tommy sat, still silent, but nodded. Wilbur carefully helped him stand after successfully wiping away all the dirt and blood.

They stepped forward together, Wilbur paternally watching Tommy for any signs of pain or discomfort. Tommy only exhaled shakily, and huffed. "Wilbur, I can walk on my own." Wilbur glanced at him worriedly, then sighed and slowly let his brother go.

They walked home together, trying to be as quick and silent as possible to not attract many more mobs. They were already mildly battered. When they saw the familiar cottage, they sighed together in relief.

They looked at each other and grinned. Tommy opened the door for them and helped Wilbur stagger in, a hand on his back. He closed the door, and smiled at the warm comfort the house gave.

Then, he heard Wilbur groan, very uncomfortably. His pupils dilated and he protectively stalked closer to his brother. "Wilbur, are you alright?" He gently held Wilbur's shoulder, and jumped in his spot when Wilbur sucked in a sharp breath.

"You said it was just a spider bite, they don't hurt too much, right?" Tommy questioned, running to get the first aid kit. Wilbur inhaled slowly from his spot on the couch and he slowly peeled his sweater off.

When Tommy came back, he gasped. There wasn't just one spider bite, there were a bunch. How did he even get that many? "There were two spiders on me when you were looking away. They liked to bite."

Tommy panickedly disinfected the bites and bandaged them, taking his jacket off and draping it over Wilbur's bare chest. He slumped on the furniture next to him, eyes drooping tiredly.

Wilbur silently pulled an arm around Tommy and pulled him closer. They fell asleep like that.

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