uh oh

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requested by imjustdiffernet


techno gets kidnapped somehow and then big papa and dumb kids go save him


third pov

techno was just minding his own business, walking down the chilly, dark sidewalk, cold hands in his fancy pajama pockets. he was very tired, and had just awakened from a nightmare. he knew everyone else was asleep so he decided to go on a walk to calm himself down. as he walked, breaths shaky, he heard rustles and footsteps, but when he turned to where he thought the sounds were, there was nothing there. he was extremely anxious now, so anxious he was on the brink of an anxiety attack. he tried to calm down, mind desperately trying to hang onto one comforting image, but it always slipped away, and his body shook more.

he knew it would be bad to sit down and calm himself now, but his sight was blurry, he couldnt breathe, so he decided to shakily sit under a lamppost. he tried his best to calm his breathing, and after a couple moments, it worked. a little. his breathing was still fast and sharp, but he was taking in more air than before. he wiped his eyes with his sleeve, and shakily inhaled. he looked up and focused on the moon, which was full. he hummed a small tune that wilbur had sung to him while playing his guitar, and it worked well to calm him down almost completely. he stood and wiped his pants off. he was about to head back home before he felt a hand over his mouth and one of his hands pulled harshly behind his back. his senses heightened so fast and his anxiety came back like a tsunami. he tried to break free but he knew he was both too tired and too ridden with anxiety to manage to do anything. he was shaking so much and he couldnt help the tears falling out of his red eyes. he tried once more to get away but felt the hand leave his mouth, and then all he saw was darkness.

when he awoke, he didnt see anything. he was leaned against a wall, and he felt a cloth around his face. his mouth was left free, and so was all his limbs, besides his hands, which were tied behind his back. he tried to sit up but couldnt, feeling way too weak. his heart was beating out of his chest, and he felt his eyes sting with tears. his breathing became ragged once more. he tried to move or break free of the ropes around his wrists, but couldnt. he sighed after trying countless times, all turning out to be futile. he relaxed and grunted when his exposed shoulder to upper back area hit the cold, hard wall again. he closed his eyes, making no difference to the darkness, and sighed.

phil, wilbur, and tommy were very worried. none of them knew where techno was, and he didnt leave anything in his wake. phil reassured the younger two that he would come back soon, and that he was just out for a little longer, but he knew deep down that techno was in trouble. he always came back before four, phil knew that. he was pacing, so wilbur and tommy knew something was wrong. "is he really coming back, phil?" tommy asked, fidgeting with his tail nervously. phil sighed and shook his head, overwhelmed. "tommy, i really dont know." he answered, sitting down on the couch. "i can try to use my magic to reach him, but im not sure it'll work." wilbur suggested, waving his fingers, a violet glow swirling around them. phil nodded and stood, watching wilbur put both hands in front of him, closing his brown eyes.

when techno woke up again, it was from someone else. he groaned slightly and jumped when someone pressed their boot into his side. he heard them giggle, and he sighed, preparing himself mentally for the worst. he was still panicking, and he tried not to show it, but he knew the kidnapper already knew he was freaking out. he felt a cold flat object that he assumed was a knife touch his arm, him shivering from the cold blade. he stayed silent when the knife was grazed against his skin, barely drawing any blood. he gasped when his arm was grabbed and harshly pulled forward, forcing his whole body to fall forward so they could see his arm properly, since his hands were still tied behind his back. he clenched his jaw when the blade was quickly carving straight lines into his arm. he winced when the blade was twisted whilst still in his arm. the person chuckled and pulled the sharp knife out of technos arm. he heard them walk away and a door close shut, and then he was alone. he felt his own blood trickle down his shaking arm. he shakily breathed and relaxed his shaking body to the best of his ability on the cold floor, drifting into a restless sleep.

technos eyes snapped open, eyelashes fluttering weirdly against the black fabric tied around his eyes, his ears drooped and he put his knees against his chest, body shaking at the loud noises of doors slamming and loud shouting and screaming. he pushed himself up off the floor with his head and core strength. he couldnt control his shaking, nor could he control his breath, again. he couldnt think of one thing, it all jumbling into a white fuzz. he dug his nails into his palms, leaning over, placing his head on the ground. his chest was heaving, his attempts at calming or taking in longer breaths proving to be in vain. the screaming lessened, and he could make out a small tap near him, but he didnt know where it was coming from, or where it was going. was it going to him? were they going to take him away to somewhere worse? what was going to happen? he needed to get out of there, it isnt-

"techno, techno, are you okay? jesus, what have they done?" he stopped breathing for a split second, but the air soon returned to his lungs when the cloth over his eyes was loose, and he swallowed dryly when it slipped off his face. he had his eyes closed, and refused to open them, afraid to see what was in front of him. he felt a hand graze his shoulder, but it was quickly pulled away before techno could react. "dont touch him yet. he hasnt comprehended whats happening yet." someone uttered, the voice feeling familiar to techno. he looked down and slowly opened his eyes, them immediately squinting from the light. he was still breathing heavily, still shaking, but when he looked up and saw the familar face of his dad, and his brothers, he calmed just a little bit.

he let out a choked sob, and put his head back down. he felt someone take his hand restraints off, and he instinctively rubbed them, the pain just now washing over his wrists. he groaned softly through his quiet cries, and flinched, looking up at phil when he felt a hand on his shoulder. phil gave him soft, relieved eyes. technos tears stopped flowing as much, and now he could properly see again. wilbur and tommy crouched down next to the two and smiled at techno. "its good to see you unharmed in the fatal department." wilbur said, voice quiet. techno stayed silent, but nodded. phil rubbed his shoulder and stood, the youngest two following suit. techno looked up and saw phil lend him a hand. he smiled gratefully and pulled himself up with the help of the winged man. "can you walk?" he asked, rubbing technos back comfortingly. techno nodded and shakily sighed, rubbing the tears off his stained, red cheeks. his breathing had regulated, and his shaking was brought to a minimal amount.

phil had wrapped a gentle hand around technos arm, thumb just barely hovering over technos knife wound. phil grimaced when he saw it. "they did this to you? it looks painful." he said, soft green light swirling off his fingertips, trailing into and around technos wound. techno nodded and used his other arm to put some hair behind his ear. when phil finished, he smiled at his oldest son and led him towards the door, which happened to be metal, and techno had just now seen the dead body of the one who apparently kidnapped and literally tortured him. techno swallowed after they passed the body, going through the metal door and leaving the abandoned building. they arrived home shortly, and phil immediately made techno eat, hydrate, and rest up. they all hoped nothing like this would happen ever again.

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