dont hurt him

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part two of 'egg'

puffy gets tired of bads rambling and attacks, bad is successful in getting ranboo in the hole


as bad rambled on and on about how lovely the egg was, techno, puffy, and ranboo quickly got bored and irritated. puffy groaned and stood, raising a hand.

"okay, okay, bad. thats enough." she said, voice firm and loud. bad rolled his glowing eyes and crossed his arms around his chest, huffing in annoyance.

"you always interrupt me, and for what? you think the egg is not as good as i speak of it? well, it is, puffy! it is!" bad announced, standing up as well.

techno and ranboo met eyes and they slowly stood in unison, techno tightening his grip on his sword. bad and puffys voices gradually got louder as they continued to argue, and ranboo inched closer to the piglin.

techno sighed through his nose and smiled warmly, quickly covering it and looking away, embarassed. ranboo grinned but the duos attention was quickly brought to the other two when puffy pointed her sword to the demon.

"alright! ive had enough of this. you either stop talking about the damn egg for once or ill make you." she yelled, stepping forward angrily. bad stepped back on instinct but hissed and jumped up on the table.

techno put himself in front of the tall enderman and moved to get on the table as puffy hopped up, her eyes full of fury and her eyebrows tilted down. bads tail swished around, narrowing his eyes.

ranboo put a hand on technos shoulder and when he looked back at the taller, ranboo gave his shoulder a small, supportive squeeze. techno smiled and faced forward once more, ready to fight.

when techno was on the table, puffys sword had cut through bads sleeve, just barely cutting through his skin. he growled and pulled his own weapon out and charged forward.

their swords clashed together and the purple enchantments on both items sparkled in the air. techno yelled briefly to alert puffy and swiftly joined in her offense against bad.

"hey, bad! my sword will be down your throat when we're done!" puffy shouted, a large, determined grin on her face, her eyes crinkling with violent delight. bad yelped as puffy striked his side, and stumbled backwards, clutching his wound.

puffy smirked at the smaller demon, glancing at techno. as they met eyes, puffy poked her head towards bad. "want a turn, deputy?" techno chuckled and nodded, thrusting himself forward towards the cowering figure.

the piglin slashed his shimmering sword against the demons torso, and he screamed, in anger but also in pain. as bad tried to strike technos legs, he dodged it with long years of experience.

he stood near puffy and smiled, satisfied. puffy cackled and was about to go forward to hit bad once more before bad suddenly wasnt there. she looked at techno and her eyes widened as she caught a glimpse.

bad had used an ender pearl and had ranboos collar in his hands, sprinting straight for the small hole in the middle of the room. technos eyes snapped wide open as the two mobs flashed beside him.

he quickly acted, shoving himself forward and trying to grab something attached to ranboos body, but he failed, grasping nothing but the air. "DONT HURT HIM!" techno yelled, straining his throat.

he gasped along with puffy when ranboo was forced down the hole. bad cackled maniacally as he looked down at the poor enderman stuck and afraid. he jumped when he felt a strong hand pick him up from the back of his neck.

he was turned around and was face to face with the well known technoblade. "get out of here. puffy, if he doesnt leave, go ham." he ordered, letting the crazed demon go.

the two watched as bad quickly sped out of the small oval building and techno immediately ran towards the hole, getting on his knees. he cupped his hands over his mouth, yelling.

"ranboo, are you okay?!" the piglin heard a fearful "techno," from the narrow pit and let out a sigh of relief. he wasnt dead. "do you have an ender pearl or- or a trident?" techno asked, clearly in a panicked hurry.

"um- n-no..!" ranboo responded, glancing around the small space he was cramped up in. techno nodded to himself and threw his trident down. "i threw mine down, use it to come back up, ranboo!"

when the two saw the enderman successfully fly out of the hole, techno unexpectedly pulled the taller into a hug. ranboo was still and shocked before wrapping his long arms around the shorter.

"im so glad youre okay, ranboo. do- do you feel any different?" he asked, slightly panicked. ranboo smiled softly and shook his head, giggling.

"no, techno. im fine. lets go home now, okay? steve is probably impatient waiting for us." he suggested, smile growing wider. techno pulled away with a grin on his face, and nodded.

they bid puffy their goodbyes after saying their thanks and grabbed steves lead as they walked back to the cabin they both called home.

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