its hopeless, tommy

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technoblade: 🔥🦀🔥💃🔥🦀🔥


techno, phil, and dream team up against lmanberg and succeed


third pov

its time. the government was going down for good. techno sighed as he rebraided his hair, fixing it up as he, dream, and phil quickly walked through the purple portal.

they arrived and hid behind a building, looking at dream as he began to speak, voice low and quiet. "okay, so techno, youll be able to give me twenty minutes, correct?" he asked, TNT placed in his calloused palm. techno nodded, glancing at phil.

as dream zipped away, the piglin turned his whole body towards phil. "you have the totem, right?" he asked, tone laced with familial worry. phil smiled and pointed to the golden totem that was placed onto his belt, the green gems as eyes piercing into whoever looked at it.

techno nodded and placed a hand on his sword, which was hoisted onto his belt as well. "be safe, okay? youre on your last life." phil nodded and they parted ways, technos completely subtle army of dogs following behind him.

as he yelled out names of people he knew were residing in lmanberg, tommy stepped in front of him, keeping his distance. the teen looked shocked to see his older brother present before him.

as technos dogs barked, urging to attack the clear enemy, tommy steppes back, eyes wide. "but, its not even three yet! we still have thirty minutes-" techno shook his head, a grin plastered on his face.

"ah, ah, ah. did you really expect me to show up on time? of course i would want to come here a couple minutes early. i wanna keep you guys on edge." techno said, venomous tease obvious in his voice.

tommy shrinked back slightly at that, and shook his head, running away. techno scoffed and pat the dog closest to him. he turned his head down to look at them all and smiled.

phil stealthily sneaked past buildings and people and flew onto a tall building high enough to see fireworks directly, in case he didnt see the signal.

he pressed his wings into his back, eager and excited to see the signal and let the withers attack. he spotted tommy walking up to techno and pressed his lips into a flat line when the younger ran away.

techno cackled as quackity and fundy ran into him, bringing his sword out and swinging forward confidently. quackity shrieked and his wings shot outward, and he quickly lifted himself off the cold wooden path to dodge one of his swings.

technos dogs began howling and jumped into action, biting at quackitys dangling legs, and clawing at fundys hips down.

fundy growled, fangs showing and dove in for a direct hit to technos chest, but that failed miserably. all the fox saw was techno, and then there was wood. he felt his face hurt a lot, so he became confused, and then lifted his head off the ground.

he saw his own blood dripping onto the path, and he gasped, then felt a sharp, painful sting in his upper back, and then he was gone.

after fundy died in a puff of light gray smoke, techno swiftly turned around and kicked quackity in the chest, making the duck fly back into a bush.

techno scanned the area and made his way towards the houses. ranboo came into his view and they nodded at each other, quickly going onto their own ways.

with a small ear flick, he turned around and dodged a quick, direct attack from sapnap. the black haired boy glared at the other, and went in for another attack.

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