im so cold

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Au where wilbur and Tommy get therapy anf shit and live with techno and phil and its like current time

Theres like a really bad blizzard out and it makes the house a lot colder, and theyre all cold not really techno but it hits wilbur the mosr because lol arg

Slight Angst/Fluff


Techno, Wilbur, and Phil were all sat on the couch next to each other, playing charades and trying to figure out what the hell Tommy was trying to act out. "Dinosaur?" The oldest asked, a confused but delighted grin on his face.

The youngest groaned and shook his head, dropping his arms to his sides. "No! Prime, you guys are so stupid." Wilbur rolled his eyes, laughing into Techno's shoulder.

"We have no idea, Tommy. Tell us." The piglin said, ruffling the brunette's hair. Tommy huffed, but smiled, unable to contain his happiness. "I was a grizzly bear."

They all burst into laughter, Phil being the loudest. "What?! Toms, that did not look anything like a grizzly bear." He exclaimed, holding his stomach. The imp cackled and wiped a tear from his eye, tail wagging excitedly.

When the laughter died down, Tommy declared Techno go next, but there was an unexpected loud gust of wind, and then they heard small patters on their roof.

Phil stood, stretching his wings. "I think it's hailing. We might have a storm tonight." The teenager groaned, flopping onto the couch where his father previously sat.

Techno glanced down at his brother when he shuffled closer, wrapping his arms around his torso. "Why did you guys decide to live in the damn arctic? It's so cold here." Wilbur muttered, obviously upset at the thought of a snowstorm.

He heard a mumble of agreement come from his other side, presumably Tommy. The winged man chuckled, walking into the kitchen. "Sorry, mate. We like making snowmen." The child grumbled. "You've never even done that since me and Wil have moved in."


The snowstorm started to get worse the more the night approached. Phil was making them all hot chocolate while the others sat on the floor and played board games.

Tommy gasped, throwing his arms up in defeat. Techno had won again, three times in a row. Wilbur only huffed in annoyance, but quickly grabbed all their game pieces and cleaned them up to start a new round.

"C'mon, Techno! We get it, you're awesome. But, please let us win one game!" The blonde exclaimed, arms crossed over his chest.

The pinkette only shrugged and grabbed the dice. The younger beside him immediately spoke up. "You cheater, it's Toms' turn to start." Techno sighed, smiling as he handed the dice over to the youngest.

"I can never get past you, Wilbur. You've inherited Phil's keen eyes." He said, nudging the undead's arm. Wilbur giggled, shaking his head. "Well, my parents are Death and Her angel. It would make sense that I pay attention."

Just as they almost finished another game, Phil came in with a small tray of four steaming hot mugs of hot chocolate, multiple small marshmellos lining the tops of each cup.

"Here you all are. You guys having fun?" He asked, handing the mugs over. The three nodded, Tommy scooting over to give the immortal some room to join.

He did, and they finished the round in short time, allowing Phil to grab a game piece and join in their new game. They played for another hour or so, before the storm became very unmerciful.

Every gust of cold, harsh wind that hit the house made it colder. Techno had helped them clean the games up before walking away to get some thick, fluffy blankets.

They eventually had to migrate to the couch, the floor getting much too cold for them. When the piglin came back, he handed the blankets to them, sitting in the middle of them and serving as a portable heater.

They figured the storm wouldn't get any worse, so they sat there, talking and laughing about everything and nothing. "Do you think Ranboo and Tubbo are alright?" Tommy asked, sipping his lukewarm chocolate.

Phil smiled reassuringly, rubbing his shoulder. "I'm sure they're fine. They're a smart duo." The younger grinned, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, sure. They're pretty dumb in my opinion, which is obviously the truth, right, Wilbur?"

When he didn't get an answer, he tried his name again. "Wilbur? Wil?" He questioned, becoming a bit worried. They all turned their eyes to the brunette, to see him shivering and hugging his blanket close to him like it would send him back to the train platform if he didn't.

"Wilbur? Hey, you alright?" Techno tried this time, shaking his shoulder lightly. The younger only sucked in a shallow breath, leaning obviously into the piglin.

One concerned glance to Phil was enough for the father to get to work. He quickly stood, bringing his blanket with him and gesturing for Techno to bring Wilbur along.

The pinkette gently picked the younger up bridal style, subconsciously smiling when he tried to get closer. As the taller made sure the brunette's blanket didn't fall, he followed the oldest up the ladder and into Wilbur's room.

Tommy was, of course, following them, just as worried for his older brother as the others were. Techno set Wilbur down on his bed, swiftly tucking him in with both the bed blanket and the one he already had.

The three sat down next to him, quietly talking amongst themselves for a bit before the revived man stirred. He let out a small chirp, barely audible with the hail still beating down on their house.

Tommy immediately stood, tail flicking worriedly. "Wilby? Are you alright?" He asked, hurriedly sitting down at the end of the bed. Phil and Techno stood as well, but opted to give Wilbur more room.

The brunette blinked his eyes open, squinting at the light. He slowly made eye contact with everyone in the room, before settling on Tommy.

He smiled slightly, whispering. "I'm so cold." The blonde crawled over, hovering over his brother as a silent question. Wilbur chuckled and scooted over, allowing his younger brother more room.

Tommy's eyes brightened and he practically hopped beside the older, shoving his face into his chest, careful of his scar. Wilbur smiled and exhaled through his nose, wrapping his arms around the blonde.

Phil and Techno grinned warmly at the sight, and silently walked out after shutting the lights off and closing the door.

Wilbur was warm that night.

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