the bond still lingers

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Requested by Cyansong

Tommy gets wrapped up in an argument and it soon gets physical, Tommy is hurt and Techno swoops in at the right time



"I didn't kill your dog, Fundy! Go see if Sapnap did it or something!" Tommy yelled, trying to refrain himself from completely bullying the other.

Fundy rolled his eyes and shook his head. "No, I won't! All this evidence points to you, so why the hell would I go to someone who doesn't have anything to prove it's them?!"

Tommy grumbled under his breath and was about to turn around and stomp off before the fox hybrid stood in front of him grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him closer.

"Jesus, Fundy! Let me go and I can get you a new dog or something!" The blonde exclaimed, beginning to become nervous. He hadn't gotten over his last death, so he really didn't want to get into a fight at the moment.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? I know you'll just use that opportunity to run off and hide behind Tubbo or Ranboo, even!" Fundy yelled, ears flat against his hair.

Tommy's eyes darted around his field of view, panicking and trying to find something that could get him away from Fundy.

This seemed to anger the other more, however, and he raised his hand, forming a fist and threw it straight into Tommy's nose. As an obvious crack sounded after Fundy made contact, Tommy knew he'd had a broken nose.

"Jesus Christ, Fundy! What the hell, get away from me!" Tommy shrieked, pulling his arms closer and staggering back in a panic. Fundy scoffed and rolled his sleeves up, swiftly backing Tommy into a wall.

"That was my favorite dog, you asshole! And you fucking killed him! You deserve this." He muttered, continuing to throw hard, unrelenting punches.

Tommy let out a string of curses and cries of pain, fear, all that good stuff. But, luckily, there was a certain piglin that had been looking around the SMP for resources amd extra bells that had caught sight of them.

Fundy failed to hear the quick, silent thump of footsteps behind him, and as he watched Tommy fall to the ground, he yelped when a rough hand made contact with his shoulder.

He was harshly turned around and as he was about to curse them out, his eyes widened as he knew he was about to get up 6 feet under.

"What the hell is your problem, Fundy? Punching a 17 year old, especially after he has trauma from being punched to death? That's low." Techno grumbled, red eyes piercing through the fox.

Fundy's body shook, his tail ducking in between his legs out of fear. "Uh, I was- he killed my-" He was abruptly cut off by his own scream as he was lifted into the air via shirt collar.

"Guess what? I didn't ask, fox. You know, I've never had fox for dinner. I'd love to try some." Techno threatened, shifting into his full height piglin form, standing at 7'5".

Fundy's voice box had completely failed him as he was thrown onto the ground, a hooved feet coming down almost immediately onto his chest, pressing down hard enough to leave Fundy winded.

The fox desperately gripped onto Techno's leg, whimpering when he only dug into Fundy's chest harder. "Which would you prefer? Axe or hands?" The piglin asked, grinning.

As Fundy shook his head and Techno put a hand on his axe, Tommy finally spoke up. "Techno, quit it. He- he was being stupid- just don't cut his head clean off while I'm here, please." He whispered, voice slightly raspy.

This made Techno sigh and reached down to pick Fundy up again. "You listen here, you damn fox. You will leave Tommy alone. Never even look in his direction, you hear me?" He said, glaring.

Fundy quickly nodded, feet dangling in the air, slightly stretching as a stupid attempt to touch the ground. Techno gave him a quick punch with his free hand and then let the scared hybrid go, watching him run off.

Techno sighed, shifting into his 6'3" human form, turning to Tommy and immediately kneeling beside the teen.

"Jeez, Techno. I thought you didn't care about me." Tommy muttered, carefully sitting himself up against the rocky wall he was against.

Techno shook his head, pulling out first aid supplies. "I never said I didn't. You're still... You're still technically family to me. Despite what we've done to each other." He said, carefully treating Tommy's newly formed bruises.

Tommy winced and kept complaining about how much it stung and hurt, and every time he did Techno just told him to shut his trap. "I'm almost done, anyway, child."

Tommy gasped exaggeratedly at his rude name-calling, and playfully slapped Techno's shoulder. "Bitch." He said, rolling his eyes.

Techno raised an eyebrow teasingly. "Is that all you have to say? Just 'bitch'?" The younger huffed out a laugh, and Techno gave him a small grin.

"Oh, yeah and I also have a broken nose I think." Tommy said, just as the older was about to pull away. "I'm gonna kill that idiotic fox before natural causes can get to him." He mumbled, mostly to himself.

When Tommy's nose had been correctly treated, Techno put his supplies away and helped the teen stand. "Do you want me to like, escort you to Snowchester?"

Tommy nodded, grinning childishly as he walked alongside his brother, both on their way to the snowy biomes.

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