in the Voltoiry

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A week had now past and I was growing thirstier and thirstier. I was sat in a dark room, dressed in a black cloke, an item all the volturi wore.

Jane and Alec walked threw the old wooden oak door and stood in front of me. "wear going hunting Renesmee" said Jane.

I gave a small nod and stood up as they both covered their heads with their clokes. Jane led the way out and down the dark passage. I walked beside Alec looking around, still getting used to my new surroundings. When we reached street level it was dark.

Their weant many humans around and the ones that wear, wear ether drunk or they eyes couldn't see us. Jane led the way over the walls of the city, landing gracefully in the forest. Alec and I followed her, just as graceful.

 Once we wear all over Jane looked at me "you can hunt animals over their while we chase some humans around" she grinned looking at her brother. Alec smirked then winked at me "don't wonder off Renesmee, we'll meet you back in a few hours." they both inhaled then ran off.

Alone I began to wonder down to a river.

 A deer ran past me, its sent intoxicated me and I ran after it. In less then a heart beat I had killed it and had begun to drain its blood. I gave a small mone of pleasure as I felt the soothing blood trickle down my throat.

Suddenly their was a loud crackling noise. My head snapped up and I slowly walked towards the sound, crouching. I peered threw the bushes then gasped. Standing in front of me was a familure looking russet wolf.


guys !!!!!

im so sorry for the delay, ive had exams, problems over at RNB HQ (my laptop) and ive been camping for two weekends in a row!!

im sorry this one is so short but i had to post and i felt this was a okay place to stop.

Forgive me guys!


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