The End? (Part 1)

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  • Dedicated to Yasmin Holmes

The newborns began to run. We stood our ground until they reached us. Benjamin used his ability to create and wall of fire around us stopping most of them in their tracks. Crystal used her shields so when the newborns ran for us they bounded back into the fire. “get ready” said my farther.

We all nodded and braced ourselves.

“Crystal now!”

Crystals shields wear let down and the newborns ran at us snarling. Emmett and Jasper worked together on a group of them, taking it in turns to rip them limb from limb.

My farther fought along side Tanya and Stefan protecting my mother who was using her ability to protect out minds. Zanna, Alice and Esme fought, ripping at them and destroying newborns. Jason was fighting beside Crystal, both of them looking as if they wear enjoying themselves.

 Crystal used her ’kill with one look’ ability only when needed as she wanted a chance to fight before killing. Jasper was now with Jane protecting her as she torched newborns while Carslie destroyed them. I ran threw the field fighting with newborns ripping at their limbs and tossing them into the fire. A large male newborn stood in front of me snarling. He swiped me but I kicked him. “ill enjoy feeding from you human!” he snarled.

I dodged out of the way his attack and ripped out his arm “im not human.” I then sprang on him and held his head “im a half breed!” I ripped off his head and tossed it in the fire as another newborn hit me to the side. He snarled hitting me in the chest and snarled about to tare away my arm when a huge russet wolf leaped on him and destroyed him.

 I grinned at my husband as 20 wolfs ran into the clearing, launching themselves at newborns. Jake licked my hand then ran off attacking. Their was a hiss behind me. I wurled around and growled as a tall female newborn stood facing me. She has dark red-ish hair and a few freckles on her face. She looked at me and get out a tiny whimper.

“Please, I don’t want to fight” she whimpered.

I looked at her, pity string in my belly.

“okay” I said “you can help us”

She smiled “thank you”

"whats your name?" i asked


i gave a nodd "stay with me"

We fought together, me and Yasmin. All around us the battle was heating up. We wear seriously out numbered.

Alice was taking on three newborns, twice her own size. Crystal and Jason wear struggling to fight back when a whole group of newborns attacked them. Screeches and screams could be heard all threw out the clearing. I looked around and froze.

Demetri held Garret’s head and was yanking. I ran over and leaped on Demetri’s back pulling him off Garret. Demetri threw me off but Garret had managed to escape. Demetri snarled at me and butted me snarling. I shrieked as he grabbed me and his teeth tore a bit of my neck. He released me and froze looking at me snarling.

 I panted looking at him and then noticed the shrieking and fighting had stopped. Thousands of newborns wear looking at me. I put my hand to my neck and watched the blood ooze down my neck. Suddenly they all snarled and began to run towards me.

“CRYSTAL NOW!” shouted Jason.

I looked up to see Jason and Crystal run to me. Jason picked me up and ran to wear we had all gathered as Crystal ran to wear I was and snarled. Their was a chorus of shrieks of pain and then all the newborns fell, dead.

“Benjamin go” said my farther.

Benjamin used his powers and fire spread onto all the newborns, turning them to dust.

We had done it…we had won!

Or had we and at what cost.

Non of us cheered. Carslie stood at the front of us looking at us all then frowned “wear missing some of us”

My heart lurched.

“who?” asked Rose

“Bella, Jake and EJ”

“NO!” cried Jane, my farther and myself.

“we’ll fine them” promised Jason.

Carslie nodded and set off. The rest of us followed.

We searched threw the clearing, looking at parts of body’s that wear left. I looked up as the wolfs ran over but I whimpered when non of them wear our missing. “they don’t know wear they are” whispered my farther.

I began to cry, my heart shattering. The three people I loved most in the world wear missing, probably dead. My mother, my mate and my son. We had won. But it has coast us dearly.


what do you think? what do you think will happen next?

By the way, this is NOT the end of nessies notebook, i have desided to carry it on :)


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