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A year had past and we lived in peace. EJ and the others had built their new headquarters close to the home we had in Alaska. As of yet, their had been no trouble from other vampires or wear wolfs. Carslie, Crystal and some of the other elders had left for a meeting and they wear brining home EJ for a visit.

 Shifting in the bed, I opened my eyes and yawned. Beside me, Jake slept, his chest rising and falling slowly. After kissing his cheek like I do every morning, I stepped into the bathroom and grinned. After making sure Jake was still asleep, I lifted up my top and rubbed my belly gently “hello angel” I cooed quietly.

Jake was still blissfully unaware of our new unborn child, still nice and safe in my rock hard belly. My family knew of course.

Alice saw it in a vision and told everyone before I even had chance to know myself. Pulling my top back down I unlocked the door and walked back into the bedroom. Jake was now up, rubbing his eyes. He grunted, his usual morning greeting before yawning. I winced slightly as the strong smell of dog. “Jake, you need a bath”

He frowned “no I don’t!”

“if you want to get back in bed tonight, you will take a bath, ill see you at the house.”

I kissed his cheek and walked out, collecting my large basket and apple pie. Apple pie was EJ’’S favourite so I had baked one last night for him.

 I walked out of the door of our small house and down the path. It was a five minuet walk from the house to the main Cullen house, not that we minded. We had a small flower field that made up part of the Cullen estate. It was the height of summer and the sun was shining down all around Alaska. The snow was gone but their was a light breeze in the air.

 The sun landed on my skin, making it sparkle. Before I knew it, the house came into view. Rose and my farther wear out at the front sorting out of one jeeps. “morning darling” smiled Edward looking at me. He walked over and kissed my cheek then grinned “kicking?”

I nodded “yeah, first one last night”

“told the dog yet?” asked Rose standing up.

“no, I want to tell him tonight when EJ is home”

“okay darling”

He kissed me again then walked inside with me.

Alice was in the hall way, putting up decorations “any excuse to have a party huh Alice” I asked giggling.

Alice beamed at me “of course, besides, we need to celebrate our new volturi”

“any other reason?” I asked

“well, theirs EJ and Jane’s engagement and you finally telling Jake about Angle”

“yeah” I smiled rubbing my belly. “little Angel Black”

Emmett walked through with Esme “Neisse dear are you hungry?” she asked.

“no, I’m fine”

“Ness, go and eat something” said Alice “please…for me”

I rolled my eyes and smiled “okay…oh can you put this pie in the fridge for me? I made it for EJ”

“Of course darling” smiled Esme. “morning Bella dear”

My mother came down the stairs gracefully. After over 50 years of being a vampire, she was just starting to getting the hang of being graceful. She hugged me and kissed me gently “how are you?”

I put my hand on her cheek and showed her how I was. I showed her this morning and me rubbing my own belly. She grinned when I moved my hand “I’m so happy for you Renesmee” she smiled.

“so am I mom”

The front door opened and take walked though muttering.

“what’s wrong?” asked Bella

“I smell like flowers” he grumbled

I laughed at him and breathed in “you smell lovely”

“I smell like a female”

I smiled and hugged him gently.

“Jake, I need your help with outside, come on!” shouted Emmett

“alright!” he shouted back “see you later babe” he kissed me gently then walked off in the direction of Emmett’s booming voice.

I watched after him before going into the kitchen and joining Esme and my mother.


what do you think guys??

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