Christmas Supprises Part 1

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Its been a week since Jason had left the coven.

The family was getting back to normal now although Rose now hated Jake even more. I had decided that I would go Christmas shopping my with mom and aunts to keep me busy.

 At 9am, we all climbed into my fathers silver Volvo and started to drive into Seattle. We reached the mall and started to look around the shops.

 Alice and Rose disappeared into the perfume shop, leavening me and my mother to our self's. we walked into a clothes shop and looked at the items of clothing on display. In the end I found a cute pink top with a matching white skirt and white ballet pumps.

My mother had found and blue shirt with some black jeans. Alice approved for once! Rose suddenly squealed and we all gathered round.

She held up fore Mrs Clause's outfits (you know, the ones that look like a Santa's outfit but only in a dress.) "the guys are going to LOVE them!" cried Rose joyfully.

"yep!" agreed Alice "ive already see it, their eyes are going to pop out of their sockets" she giggled. Rose handed us each a outfit and we went to by it.

Once we had finished, my mother took me to the jewellers. "I want to see if this fits, you cant see properly until Christmas though" she smiled.

I nodded and closed my eyes, waiting for the thing my mother was to give me. I felt something on my neck and I smiled as my mother put a necklace around my neck.

 "A perfect fit you're your sister madam" I herd the shop keeper say in a French accent.

"yes its perfect" said my mother.

 I felt the necklace go and then she told me to open my eyes. I started to look around while my mother and the manager talked.

Their wear many pretty peaces of jewellery such as earrings, necklaces, watches, pocket watches and bracelets.

 One pocket watch caught my eye. It was gold on the outside with the print of a wolf engraved on the lid. Inside was the watch itself, their was a clock and then on the other side was a opening for a photo.

I took it off the shelf and took it over to the counter "il'd like to by this please" I said.

"ah a very good choice Madam" smiled the shop owner. "would you like that wrapped?"

I nodded "yes".

He got to work wrapping the present for me. As soon as he was done I walked outside to wear Rose, Alice and my mother wear waiting for me

. "get everything you need Ness" asked Rose. "yeah" I smiled.

"then lets go!" squealed Alice "I want to see the look on the boys faces when we prance in, in the outfits!"

"lets go then!" said Rose, leading the way out. My mother and me followed more slowly, grimacing at the thought.

We arrived home at 4, all dressed in our Mrs Clauses outfits.

We walked threw the doors of the family room and into the room wear all the men wear sitting.

Emmett looked up from watching the game with Jasper, both their eyes popped out, my dads jaw dropped slightly then he repositioned it and gave my mother his crooked smile.

 Jake, who was sitting next to him, eating some cake (always eating my Jake) spat out his food and stared at me.

 Rose tugged Emmett out the room (no guess wear their going) as did Alice with Jasper.

 My mother looked at my farther and then with one heart beat they wear gone, leavening me and Jake alone.

He pulled me onto his lap and we began to make out. After a while, we went upstairs and into my room. that's wear the trouble started.


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