Vampire Baseball

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Alice gave us 3 minutes to change into our baseball uniforms. I ran into my room and changed quickly putting my curly hair threw the little hole of my cap. I skipped down the stairs and went back into the family room.

Jasper and Carlisle wear holding the bats while Rose was holding the balls. Alice was standing next to Jason explaining the rules to him as it was the first time he had played it with us. My mother and farther came into the room together, my dads arm wrapped around my mothers waist. "when are we going Momma?" I asked my mother

"now dear Ness" smiled Alice skipping to me.

We reached the clearing just as the first rain cloud rolled down to Forks. According to Alice we had a hour and a half till the thunder moved on. Plenty of time to play baseball.

We split up into two teams. Me, Jason, my farther, Jasper and Esme on one team . Alice, Emmett, Rose, my mother and Carlisle on the other. We wear batting first. My farther stood at the base, facing Alice. "batter up!" called Carlisle.

Alice threw her leg up, high in the air and released the ball. My farther swung and hit it with a loud crash just as thunder erupted from the sky. The ball flew out of my sight and my farther ran around the bases.

My mother ran after the ball and threw it back to Alice who caught it but too late. My farther stood at the last post twirling the bat in his hand. "nice Edward" approved Jason smiling. My dad grinned and chucked Jason the bat.

Jason stood at the post and flung the bat up, wacking the ball high into the sky. he started to run. Uncal Em climbed up a tree, clawing his way up the bark to cach it as the ball returned to earth. he leeped out the tree as it fell and caught it, throwing it back to Alice. while he was doing this Jason was running like lightning arounf the couse.

Alice growled with fustation as my team got another home run.

After Jason, Jasper and Esme had a go, Jasper scoreing yet another home run and Esme getting out by Rose. Now it was my turn

Alice passed me the bat. I held it in my hands and looked at Alice who was smiling at me "ready Neisse?"

"yes!" i squeeled as i stood on the base holding the bat. Alice did her pich and threw me the ball. i swung and hit the ball, throwing the bat down and running around the pich and reached the last stump before Alice had the ball back.

"WOOO!" i shouted. i was very exited. that was my first EVER home run playing Vampire baseball on my own (all the other times i had been on jakes back and he had been running for me) Jason laughed feeling my exitement as well haveing it be his first time playing with us.

"Well done Ness" he laughed hugging me.

Thats when the trobel started



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