Babies, Vampires and wolfs

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I was growing bigger and bigger each day although not at the rate I did when my mother was pregnant with me. Everyone was every curious to see how the baby would turn out. After all, its not everyday a half vampire gives birth to something that could be werewolf, vampire and human all in one. I was already thinking about what my baby would look like.

Jakes eyes, my hair, his smile. What ever the outcome I would love my baby and do anything to protect it. Even if I die in the process. “we wont let it come to that” said my farther.

“I know” I smiled “but all the same…I would”

“you would what?” asked Jake as he stuffed himself with cookies.

“pig” scoffed Jason from the couch.

“leach” mutted Jake.

Jason growled and pushed him off the couch then stretched out.

Jake mutted and walked off in the direction of the kitchen wear the smell of Eme,s baking filled the room. I smiled and sat down next to Jason, patting my belie. “god Ness, your getting fat” he joked

I laughed softy and rubbed my belie again making soft cooing noises

Jakes head popped round the corner of the kitchen and frowned “did you just call my wife fat?” he growled. Jason rolled his eyes and I giggled again.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain run through me and I gasped in pain. Time stopped in the Cullen house. Carlslie and my farther reached me first followed by Jake and my mother. I shrieked in pain as the first contraction zapped threw me. “the baby’s coming, the baby’s coming!” shouted Jake.

“we can see that!” snapped my farther.

I screamed in pain as my farther picked me up and ran upstairs with me putting me on his bed while Carlsile followed him. “Keep that mut out of hear” ordered my dad as Jakes panicked yelps filled the house followed by the snarling and the shouts. Now olnly Carlsine, my father and mother wear with me.

It took a hour for little EJ Black to come. A hour of pain and screams but he was worf it. I panted laing my head back as my mother stroked my cheek soothing me. My dad was holding my son grinning then looked at me “he’s beautiful Ness”

“can I hold him?” I asked

“of course you can” smiled my mother taking EJ from my dad and passing him to me. I held my little buddle in my arms looking down at him. He was perfect. My little EJ. He was just like Jake, black hair, tanned skin, handsome but he had my eyes and he was cold. The best of both. I looked up as Rose, Esme and Alice came over cooing over the baby. “can I hold him” begged Rose already taking him out of my arms.

“s-sure” I said as Rose took my baby away from me and walked to the middle of the room cradling him while the rest of my family looked over him. I sat up feeling tied and sore. My head aced but I didn’t care. All I wanted was my son and husband. Then I reased Jake wasn’t in the room, nor was Jason. I felt a terrible feeling in my belie.

 That feeling was gone when Jake and Jason came in smiles on their faces. But that feeling soon came back when Jake saw Rose holding EJ. “Blondie got to hold my baby before me!” he snarled starting to shake. “JAKE NO!” roared my farther as Jake phased and lunged at Rose. I shrieked diveing out of bed and jumped in in-between the two of them. The next thing I felt was a paw swipe across my cheek and 10 vampires wresting the wolf to the ground.

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