honeymoon part 2

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I laid in bed hot and sweaty, part due to Jakes heat and part dew to the wonderful night we had with each other. I slowly stretched open my eyes and looked at him. Jake slept snoring softly, his chest rising and falling slowly.

 I smiled softly and kissed his chest before I sat up and slid out of bed. I dressed humming quietly and tip- toed out of the bedroom and into the kitchen area. I hummed a little louder now as I pulled out a pan, heated some oil and laying some bacon down in the fat.

Soon the whole apartment was filled with the sounds and smells of sizzling bacon. I personally wasn’t attracted to bacon but I knew Jake was. As his new wife I knew I had to cook for him and take care of him like a good wife should. From the bedroom I herd and small moan and the sounds of Jake pulling on some pants and trousers.

 I turned my attention back to the bacon and turned them over with the eggs and pulled out a plate from the cabinet. Jakes arms slid around my waist and he kissed my neck. I smiled and turned around to face him “morning” I smiled. “morning babe” he kissed me tenderly stroking my cheek then pulled away. I smiled and turned back to the eggs and bacon “breakfast is ready in a minuet, go and sit down.”

“alright” he kissed me again before sitting down on the couch.

Smiling, I dished up the eggs and bacon and took them over to Jake. He pulled me down beside him and kissed my head as I handed him over his breakfast.

Jake began to devour the food, and gulped down the coffee he had made himself. I didn’t understand peoples addiction to coffee, the stuff tastes vile to me. Once he was finished we snuggled down on the sofa together and watched a few movies. At lunch time I dished Jake up some sandwiches and even more coffee.

We stayed in the room all day until about 5pm when we first ventured out into the twilight night. I walked with Jake, hand in hand down the lane to the beach. We sat together in the sand and I sighed “im sorry”

“sorry for what Ness?”

“sorry for us not beeing able to come out and enjoy the sun”

He smiled and kissed me “its okay Ness, I don’t care! All I care about is spending some time with my wife”


“really” he smiled and kissed me again. I kissed him back and snuggled into his side.

He put his arm around me and we watched the sun set together.

A few weeks later, we had come to the end of our honeymoon. I was sorry to leave but I was desperate to see my family again. But their was one thing I knew I would always have. My Jake. The Jake I had once lost but re gained. The Jake who loved me. And only me. I was happy. I had my family and my husband……and now my baby the only thing is….how long can the good times last?


Hey guys, so what u think?

important message, ive got 9 examns in may and june so i cant post as much but i will make it up to you ;)

can u also check out my new story Mind games and tell me what you think? it would mean a lot thanks

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