Family Game Night

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Its now been a week since I had started school and I was loving it. It was now the weekend and uncle Emmett wanted to have a family 'game' night. Their was to be a thunder storm tonight so of cause, vampire baseball was on the menu. On top of that Alice had persuaded us all to take part in a karaoke and dance competition . My mother of course was dreading the dancing but I was looking forward to it. I must of inherited my dancing skills of my dad. I skipped into the family room and giggled loudly as uncle Em began to sing 'im to sexy for my shirt' along with the actions of that song. My mother and Rose collapsed in a heap on the floor, laughing hysterical. Next it was time for my farther and he sung with 'suspicious minds' which was a good song choice for him. Next was my mother, Alice, Rose and Esme sinning 'girls just wanna have fun'

"I wonder what that means" chuckled Jake. Emmett and Jasper both laughed as well.

"you can laugh Jake, its your turn now" said Alice

"my wah?" he asked.

My mother handed him the mike as the song stared to play. Everyone giggled as Jake sung in a bad voice 'hungry like a wolf' (god I love Alice's chose of songs!) once he had finished it was my moms turn. Alice had chosen the song 'Heaven' it was such a good song choice for her as it reflected both my mother and farther and when my mom was a human. "Neisse its your turn now" squealed Alice. I gulped as I was handed the mike and prepared to sing what Alice had chosen. The song stared and I began to sing. The song was 'gotta be somebody' by nickel back/ shane ward (the guy that one the xfactor) a band I have been obsessing over lately.

"now, the grope with the most wins so far is!" started Alice. Emmett slapped his knees pretending to do a drum role "is Edward, Bella, Neisse and Jake!"

My group cheered and we all hi-5 each other.

"next round is the dancing!" she announced. I herd my mother grone before farther kissed her to calm her. Alice fluttered to the stereo and stared the music. All the couples got up and began to dance. I turned to Jake and smiled sweetly.

"sorry babe, Sam wants me for a petrol" he said.

"oh" I murmured.

He kissed him on the lips gently, ignoring my fathers growls and went out. I sighed sadly watching him go. "dose he leave you often" asked a voice. I turned round startled to see Jason standing their with a friendly smile spread over his face. "he's busy, it doesn't matter though" I said smiling.

"well seeing that he is no longer available and the two of us don't have partners, would you like to dance Miss Rensemee?"

I blushed and nodded shyly. Jason smiled and took my hand and we danced gracefully together. By the end of two songs thunder crashed outside. I let out a small squeak and Jason laughed holding him. I went even redder and slowly pulled away. Alice stopped the music and jumped on the couch "its time for baseball!"

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