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“happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear EJ, happy birthday to you!”

EJ grinned looking around at the family. My baby boy wasn’t a baby anymore. He was 5 and looked like a 14 year old. We took turns hugging him when Emmett came in from the garden “present time!”

EJ grinned and ran outside while the rest of us followed. Emmett, Alice and my mother had put all our gifts outside in the snow. We had gone back to Alaska a few years ago so it snowed all the time. Even when EJ was born in June.

 I smiled waching my son as he looked around at all the gifts and ran to one at random and started to open it. I smiled leaning agent Jake who held me as EJ took out a red and blue sledge “sweet, thanks uncle Em and Rose!”

EJ but the sleadge down then opened one of the presents off me and Jake “umm mom, why did you get me a leash? Has dad been bad again?”

I felt my cheeks going red and I knew Jakes wear as Emmett, Jasper and my dad roared with laughter. “just open your presents EJ” said Jake quickly

EJ grinned a sloppy grin and opened the other one of me and Jake. He removed the lid and gasped reaching inside. I let out a big smile as he pulled out an adorable female husky puppy, who had a big red bow around her collar. “WOW!” EJ grinned holding the puppy “is she really mine?!”

“of course EJ” said my mother.

“her names Snow” said Jake

“what about feeding?”

“EJ, if we have survived this long without killing your farther, then we wont kill the dog” said Rose. EJ grinned and hugged Snow slipping on a bright pink, diamond studded collar and attached the leash. “can I take her for a run?”

I nodded “just stay off the path if you run, and stay in range of your grandfathers hearing”

“aright!” he patted Snows head and ran off human pace with her.

“I think he likes her” said Jake squeezing my hand.

“yeah” I agreed.


The sound of Jaspers firm voice made me turn around. Alice was stood frozen her eyes big. I knew she was having a vision. “what is it Alice” asked my mother.

“its EJ” said my dad

“what about him!” I whimpered

“ the voltory” snarled my dad.

The bush wear EJ and snow had vanished from rustled and Snow ran out barking and ran to us. A few seconds later Aro, Jane, Alec and Demmeta stepped out of the forest holding a wiggling EJ buy the collar.

 Aro looked at us, his red eyes narrowed dangerously. “oh dear Cullen’s we do seem to have a problem. It seems you disobeyed us Nessie”

“we wear lenient with Renesmee but the boy is far to dangerous to be kept alive” hissed Alec.

“and so, he must die”

Renesmees Note Book (WATTY AWARDS 2011 VOTE GUYS!!!)Where stories live. Discover now