the impossable is possable

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The room went silent and I stood their in utter shock “are you sure?”

Jason rolled his eyes “its my talent Ness of course im sure”

“then how come you dident notice his talents before?” I asked

“I don’t know but im 100% sure”

EJ began to giggle “granddaddy talky in my heady!”

I looked over at my farther as he took EJ “you can hear me?”

EJ nodded giggling “you asky me if I can hears you!”

Edward gave him a smile then looked at me “think something”

I gave a small nod and began to think the words ’I love you EJ’

EJ smiled “I wove you to mommy”

I went over to him and held him close and looked at my dad “what about mom’s power?”

He nodded “I cant hear him, but he can hear me”

“what about other powers?” Jake spoke for the first time “I mean if he can block powers like Jane or Alec and Aro?”

“the votary!” my voice cracked and I hung onto him.

“they cant and will not know about him” snarled Edward. “ we wont let them touch him Ness”

“but what if they do get him, they’ll take him” I whimpered.

“Nessie I wont let them, I promise you” said Crystal walking into the room. “if we can keep him hidden while he’s a baby, we will be fine. We have to start worrying if he’s a shifter”

“is it possible?” I asked

“anything’s possible, our family’s proved that” said Carslie.

“and who knows” murmured Crystal looking out of the window “perhaps it will be the impossible that finally rids us of the Voltory”


hey guys, i felt the need to post so this one is short but ill post a much longer one soon!!

love you guys!

Renesmees Note Book (WATTY AWARDS 2011 VOTE GUYS!!!)Where stories live. Discover now