The End (Part 2)

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We walked threw the clearing. Searching and searching for any kind of sign that they wear alive. As we got towards the end of the clearing my heart grew so heavy in my chest as I thought they wear dead.

My farther rubbed my back as we carried on walking, his own face tense but eyes almost lifeless. Jasper let out a growl and he went into some bushes and pulled out a small newborn. I looked up startled and saw that it was Yasmin, the vampire who had helped me in the battle.

Jasper snarled at her and she whimpered until I walked over “it’s okay uncle Jasper, she’s on our side” I said.

“how can you be sure Ness?” asked Emmett.

“she helped me in the battle”

Everyone gave a small nod apart from Jasper who looked at Yasmin suspiciously.

“she’s a healer” said Jason.

I looked at him “a what?”

“ a healer, she can heal physical wounds as well as mental ones”

Yasmin nodded “that’s right and…..I would like to help you find your friends” she said.

“thank you” said Carslie walking over.

We set out again, walking into the forest now. Their was little hope now that they wear alive but I wouldn’t give up that hope. Suddenly, movement in the bushes made us turn. My heart skipped a beat with joy when my mother stepped out followed by EJ and then by my Jake. My farther ran to my mother and held her close murmuring ’I love you’ to her. I ran to Jake and EJ and held them tightly, tears of joy rolling down my cheek.

“what’s wrong mom?” asked EJ, startled to see me cry.

“I thought you wear dead!” I cried.

“what! Why would you think that?” asked Jake.

“you weren’t in the clearing when the battle was over” said Carslie.

“that’s because we wear chasing Aro and Alec” said my mother

“their alive” hissed Crystal and Jane together.

Jake and EJ nodded.

“we chased them to the river” explained my mother. “then they jumped over the cliff and into the sea, we wear going to go after them then we wear attacked by a group of newborns, by the time we had destroyed them, Aro and Alec wear gone”

Carslie sighed and nodded. “lets get back to the house, I can treat you all their” he said.

When we got back to the house everyone went outside apart from the wolfs, Carslie and Yasmin who healed them. Jake came out first and he sat beside me and kissed me gently on the nose. I leaned against him and sighed kissing his chest. “I love you Jake” I murmured.

“I love you too Ness”

Jake pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist holding me. An hour later, everyone was outside, the pack healed but everyone still on edge.

Crystal cleared her thought and stood up. “we need to discuss what to do now” she said.

“only two members of the volturi, Aro and Alec have survived. We need to go to Italy and destroy the old headquarters so we know they cant be their. We need to go back to our homes and search for them. If you see them, kill them” she said.

Everyone nodded but Crystal pointed to Yasmin.

“you” she said

“me?” asked Yasmin

“you need to take us to wear you wear created and wear you wear kept”

Yasmin looked scared at the thought but nodded “okay”

“good” said Crystal. She turned back to the rest of us.

“we need to find them and destroy them before they have chance to recruit more vampires and re-build the Volturi, we cant let anything like them ever happen again. Aro was wrong to think that he could make all powerful vampires join…..but….he was right about one thing….we need laws and we need someone to enforce though’s laws”

“why do we need laws?” asked EJ

“because if we don’t, vampires can go around killing humans all day and soon they will all die out, also, we will fight each other for humans we feed from and that cant happen. We MUST still hid ourselves for what we truly are

. Their will be a meeting, hear, in 1 month…you will all go home and tell other vampires to come to this meeting and together we will vote who will be our law enforcers and what our new laws will be” finished Crystal.

Everyone nodded then looked at each other.

Crystal was right and we all knew it, the only thing was that, we needed vampires who wear good, not like the old Volturi. If not, this will only happen all over again, and we all knew it.


:O Aro and Alec live!!?? what do you think? and who do YOU think should be the new law enforcers and what do you think of our new vampire frined Yasmin?

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