Motherhood abilitys

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Months had passed and little EJ wasn’t so little anymore. He was growing and fast like I did. I didn’t realise before just how much of my childhood my mom and dad must of missed. Humming softly I left my bedroom, leavening a sleeping Jake to go into my sons room.

EJ was 9 months now but he looked like a 1 ½ year old who could walk and talk. EJ was awake when I went in “momma!” he squealed holding his arms up.

 I smiled softly as I lifted him out of the wooden cot and dressed him in jeans and a top which had a picture of a wolf that looked like Jake on. Nuzzling his neck I walked down stairs and set him in his high chair getting a bottle of human blood from Carslies store and fed it EJ.

I wasn’t at all concerned about EJ drinking blood and human blood for that matter. Jake and I knew he would of either eaten human food or drink blood. We fed him human blood as it was more…..nutrisus for him at this stage.

As soon as hes 1 year old we will change him to animal blood. EJ was turning into a very handsome little boy. He had Jakes tanned skin but much paler, he had my eyes and feeding habits but Jakes hair and smile. I turned my head towards the stairs as Jake came down, bare chested and in long shorts yawning. “

daddy!” squealed EJ opening his arms up. Jake smiled and walked over to his son and picked him up kissing his cheek. “smells good babe” grinned Jake. We kissed gently then I smiled “sit down then.”

Jake sat with EJ lightly bouncing him on his lap while I gave him his breakfast. I loved cooking for my family, it made it seem like my life was now full. I had my family and friends and that’s all that matted. While Jake finished eating I fastened up EJ in his coat and picked him up “you ready honey?” I asked Jake.

“yeah” he said pulling on a shirt and jacket.

Hand in hand, we walked towards the Cullen house, EJ in my other arm. As soon as we reached the doors, Alice met us “hey guys!”

I smiled “hi Alice.”

She kissed me and hugged Jake then lifted up EJ “hey baby boy” she cooed. While EJ was off to be dressed up by Alice and Rose, Jake and I walked into the living room.

My farther and Emmett wear watching TV while Jazz and my mother talked to Esme and Crystal. The Cullen house seemed to be at ease for the first time in a few months.

Ever since EJ had been born in fact. Suddenly a sound of snarls erupted from upstairs and then Jason ran in holding EJ grinning. “Carslie, what’s the probability for a ¾ vampire processing two special abilities?” asked Jason.

“well….impossible, why?”

“meet the impossible baby!” he held up EJ

“what are you talking about?” I asked.

“EJ has two ability‘s” said Jason.

He looked at us “EJ is a mind reader and a mental shield, just like Edward and Bella”


what do you think guys??

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