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“okay so the river marks our borders” 

“yes that’s right, you cant hunt in the town but anything towards the west is yours wear you can hunt as you please” said Edward. 

Jack and the other members of Kyle and Henrys coven nodded. 

“Henry and Kyle are free to come hunting with us” said Carslie 

Henry sulked in the corner 

“we will be delighted to” smiled Kyle. “wont we?” he asked his mate. 

“yeah yeah” muttered Henry. 

Kyle rolled his eyes “don’t worry, ill make sure he doesn’t hunt humans” 

“you better” said my farther

Henry walked back inside and Kyle followed him. 

I smiled as I laied down next to Jake on the beach of la push. Hear’s were it all started. The beginning of my wonderful life with Jake.

I would never of guessed when I was a small child, I would get married and have four wonderful children. Yes there had been ups and downs and I admit we were never going to be a normal family but I still wouldn’t of changed any of it for the world.

Jake put his arm around me and together we looked up at the stars that were just going to come out. Leaning my head against his shoulder, I closed my eyes and held his hand.

This notebook is now filled up and its been filled up with the best memories an half vampire can  have. But I know this is only one ending. My time is just beginning and I’m going to make it the best it can be. 

Renesmees Note Book (WATTY AWARDS 2011 VOTE GUYS!!!)Where stories live. Discover now