Broken Hearts

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I woke up late the next morning. Ild been awake for most of the night. I kept dreaming of Jason and Jake, fighting, then the Volturi stepping in and destroying them both....then me.

Shifting a sigh, I got up and changed out of my clothes. Jason's sent was still heavy on them. I laid them under my pillow then changed into some jeans and a sweater and pulled my hair back. Just then the door opened and Jason stood their.

Jason looked at me for a few heart beats then walked up to me and kissed my forehead. Slowly I sat down on my bed and he sat beside me. "Jason" I started.

"we need to talk I know" he finished.

I looked up at him, tears starting to sting my eyes. "I chose you" I whispered.

He looked at me and held my hand "no you don't Renesmee, you love Jake and we both know it."


"no belong to Jacob, you're his imprint and you love him more then anything in the world" he whispered.

"I love you to Jason" I whispered.

"I know...and I love you but I cant Ness....I cant make your family or the pack suffer anymore because of me"

"then lets run away!"

"no Ness, your place is hear with Jake and your family"

Then I broke down. "its not fair!" I cried " I wish I was never imprinted on, why couldn't he of imprinted on my mom instead!" I wailed like a small child.

"don't say that Ness!" hissed Jason "if Jake had imprinted on your mother you wouldn't of even been born!"

"good! Then no one would be in pain because of me!" she sobbed. I ran out of my room and house and into the forest crying.

 I sat by the river I used to come to when I was a small child and gently dabbed the water with my finger tips. I began to think. Would It really be better if I never existed? Would I of been able to make sure hearts wear healed and never broken?

 Questions I would never be able to answer...or would I? suddenly the brambles behind me quivered and snapped. I whuled around and gasped in surprise. Aro, Alec and Jane came out of them and smiled at me. Slowly I stood up and faced them. "what do you want Aro?" I asked.

"its not what we want dear Neisse...its what you want" said Jane. I looked at them confused until Aro said "we herd your conversation with Jason back at the cottage"


"and we can offer you what you want...a chance to forget everything and everyone, a chance for you to heal those broken hearts" said Alec

"come with us Neisse, we can make all that you want come true" whispered Aro. He held out his hand and looked at me. A chance to not hurt the people I sounded so good, that dream I had. So, I placed my hand in Aro's and we left.


Sorry its so short guys, the next one will be longer i promice, i thought this would be a good place to stop. what do you think so far then? please leave a comment and vote :D


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