new years eve part 2

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"ahh Jason, how nice it is to see you again" said Aro walking up to him while Flex and Demerit held him down. "same could be said for you Aro" he hissed.

"im sorry you see it that way Jason but you have broken a rule and you need to be punished."

"what rule" spat Jason.

"you walked into the sunlight when their was a crowd of humans remember" said Aro his mouth drawn back.

"I never did such a thing" he growled.

"well, we see it otherwise, im sorry Jason....we will have to destroy you"

"NO!" I screamed. I started to run forwards but Jasper held me back. My eyes narrowed at Aro as I tried to get free from his grasp "ill kill you Aro" I snarled "ILL KILL YOU!!"

Aro snarled back "Felix, finish him!"

Felix held Jason's head then began to twist. Jason let out a scream of pain and I turned my head away crying. Suddenly their was a loud snarl "ENOUGH!"

The screaming stopped, the twisting stopped and the crying stopped. I turned back around and opened my eyes wide. A black clocked figure walked over to us, his face hidden by the hood. He stood in-between us and the volturi and pulled down his hood. I gasped in surprise when I saw that it was a girl. She was stunningly beautiful with long straight red hair and red eyes. She looked about 15. She turned to Aro and smiled "dear brother, how nice it is to see you again"

"Crystal!" he hissed.

"you seem so pleased to see me Aro, its been years since you have seen your dear old little sis."

He growled "why are you hear"

"ive been around the other covens for a few years, I was coming to pay a visit to Carlisle and meet his family." said Crystal. "now, please tell me what this young man has done wrong." she asked pointing to Jason.

"he revealed himself" muttered Aro.

Crystal walked right up to him "ill take it from hear and your...pets can go now"

Jane growled and narrowed her eyes at Crystal. I closed my eyes tightly already hearing the torturous screams of the girl that had saved Jason's life. No screams came.

When I reopened my eyes I saw Crystal standing their and Jane on the floor, in pain to much to scream. Every single member of the volturi wear looking scared. Crystal was making them scared but how?

"Leave Aro!" growled Crystal.

He let out a hiss and turned around. And with that, the volturi was gone.

As soon as they wear out of sight, Crystal turned around and faced us "ahh the Cullen's, im so sorry that my brother has done this to you, believe me, he wont come back for a few years." she smiled.

Carlisle went and hugged her "we thank you Crystal, and its wonderful to see you again"

"and you Carlisle now...lets see this must be your family and the wolf pack." she walked to Rose and Emmett then Jasper and Alice, my mother and farther and then to me.

"Ahh, you must be Renesmee, yes, half human" she got a good look of me then smiled. "I was intrigued when I herd you wear created. Ive only met one other half breed in all my existence" she smiled.

 I didn't know what to say to her, but I wanted to know who and exactly what she dose, luckily uncle Em spoke for me. "excuse me....but who are you" he asked Crystal.

She smiled and turned to Emmett then to my whole family. "I was born in the late 12th century. I am Aro's biological sister and his creator.

 We separated after 10 years together and when I found him again he had just created the start of what was to become the volturi. I was with them until the time Carlisle left. When he left I decided to go to.

Kept wondering around for years until I desisted to visit all my old friends around the world and now im hear to visit Carlisle and his wonderful family" she smiled.

"I don't mean to be rude but why are all the other bloodsuckers afraid of you" asked Jake. Crystal laughed softly and smiled "I can kill with one look."

 I felt my blood run cold and I froze. Crystal just smiled and then smiled back at Jake. "I am also a shield, a mental one and a physical one. The point is, I cant get touched but I can kill you quite easily."

Everyone was silent as they stared at Crystal. Can this inner sent looking girl really be the one that makes the volturi shake and feel uneasy at night? Could she really be trusted? But the most important thing is...could Crystal be the answer to all our problems?


First impressions of Crystal?? and what do you think about Jason beeing back??  


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