He loves her

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I stood in shock staring at my son. EJ looked at me and growled as Edward, Emmett, Alice and Carslie came over. Carslie took a step forwards “Jane, we wear unaware of your visit”

“”I didn’t come to see you, or the rest of you…Aro doesn’t know im hear”

“why are you hear” demanded Edward.

Jane’s eyes narrowed “I came to see EJ”

I took a step forwards and looked from Jane to EJ “what’s going one?”

“mom I….I love Jane…and I want her to be my mate”

Edward and Emmett growled “she’s one of the volturi!” hissed Emmett.

“she’s using you EJ” growled Edward.

“how dare you” snarled Jane coming forwards. “you have no right Edward”

“lets calm down” said Carlisle. “Jane, I think you should leave”

“no!” hissed EJ

“its okay EJ….ill go…Aro will be wondering wear I am”

I watched as EJ kissed her cheek and Jane squeezed her hand before Jane ran off.

“you need to tell us what’s going on” said Edward

EJ gave a small nod “fine”

Back at the house, Edward called a family meeting.

My mother came in with Rose and looked at him “Edward…what’s wrong?” she asked

“you’ll find out Bella” he said.

Jake came in last and sat down with me.

EJ sat in the corner his hand on his head when Edward began to talk.

“when we wear out hunting, we came across a visitor, Jane”

“what was she doing their?” asked Esme

“seeing her new mater, EJ”

“WHAT!” snarled Jake.

“shut up dog” hissed Rose.

Bella looked at EJ “tell us what happened”

“we’ve been seeing each other for months… I love her and I don’t care what anyone says”

“she almost killed us all” hissed Jake.

“she’s different!”

“she’s one of them!”

EJ began to shake and so did Jake before they both exploded and lept at each other fighting. “JAKE, EJ STOP IT!” I shouted as Edward and Emmett broke them apart.

EJ swiped Edward off him and ran out into the forest. I glared at Jake before I followed EJ out.

I found him in his room crying. “EJ” I whispered.

“go away..”

“no” I sat beside him and held him. My baby. My baby boy. I kissed his head and rocked him gently. “I love her mom…why cant any of you see that?”

“they do baby…its just they…its just they don’t know if they can trust her”

“but I do…and I want her to be my mate”

“I know baby…we’ll make it work…I promise”

Renesmees Note Book (WATTY AWARDS 2011 VOTE GUYS!!!)Where stories live. Discover now