New Arrivals

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I frowned and started for the door but EJ beat me to it. “ill go” he said.

I shook my head “stay hear, ill go and talk to him”

I picked up my jacket and walked outside. The moon was full tonight. I followed the tail of Jakes scattered clothes into the forest. When that trail ended, I followed his paw prints and sent. “Jake” I called out. No answer, not even a bark.

“Jacob Black”


My heart beat quickened. “Jake?”

a flash of moment ran either side of me. I stopped wear I was and dropped into a couch, laieing a hand protectively over my belly.

“Hello Renesmee” said a horrifying familiar voice.

Aro and Alec walked up to me, their red eyes black with thirst. “weave been waiting for you”

In less then a heart beat they threw me on the floor. I turned on to my front to try and protect my presouse baby but one of them stood on my back. I herd the snap before I felt the pain.

I let out a scream of pain and crumbled to the floor. Alec stood over me, his lips drew back in a snarl, ready to sink his teeth into me. At that moment a snarl sounded and wolf Jake leapt out of the bushes and clawed Alec off me.

I let out another scream when I felt spasms from deep inside me. I had felt this pain once before. When I was giving birth to EJ. “no” I whispered. “no,no,no it's to early!”

I screamed again clutching my belly. Blood began to flow.

Aro was had been trying to get Jake off Alec whipped his head around and ran towards me, his eyes on the blood and me.

As he reached me, another wolf pounced on him tearing him away from me. EJ. The family was close behind him. Carlisle bent close to me, my mother and farther next to me while the others thought. “Renesmee, you need to breath, try and keep calm” said Carlisle.

Easier said than done when your husband and son are fighting vampires.

“the baby's coming” he said.

“Babies” corrected my farther.

I looked at him eyes wide.

“are you sure Edward?” asked my mother.

He nodded “i can only hear one though”

I felt another spasm run threw me and I screamed in pain.

After what seamed hours, the first baby was in my mothers arms. “a boy” she whispered.

She showed me briefly my small son who cried and moved freely.

I tried to smile but the pain was terrible.

Then the next baby was in my fathers arms. He wasn't crying or moving like the other.

“no” I whispered, tears welling in my eyes.

Carlisle took the other baby, a boy from what I could see. He was so small, smaller than his brother. I couldn't see what Carlisle was doing to him.

My mother still held the first one in her arms gently rocking him.


I craned my neck up to see Jake running towards me, fully dressed. His eyes were wide with fear and distress. “this is all my fault” he whispered “i'm so sorry”

He pulled me into his arms and kissed me gently. I clung onto him and tried to keep from crying.

The family and pack came over. “they slipped away” said my father.

“how!” demanded Jake.

“because Leah imprinted” said Jasper looking at Leah who was still in wolf form and staring at the small bundle in my mothers arms.

“WHAT!” snarled EJ and Jake together.

Leah flattened her ears and growled at them.

“stop it” hissed my mother as the baby began to cry.

Leah lowered herself to the floor while EJ frowned and glared at her. Suddenly, a new cry echoed his brothers....a weak cry.

Carlisle turned around, a crying baby in his arms “he's alive”


so sorry i havnt posted in ages, ive been super busy. hope you enjoy

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