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“it’s not their fault, not really, their both so young and Henrys a new blood, it doesn’t help with their new coven helping them” I said.

“Neisse’s right, maybe we should go to see them, talk some sense into them” said Rose.

Carslie walked to the window and looked out of it, considering it carefully. “okay, we’ll go to Alaska.”

“we might have to wait” said Alice.

“why?” asked Emmett.

“the Volturi are coming hear, I saw them and us leaving for Alaska and then meeting Henry and Kyle’s coven”

“when will they get hear?” I asked.

“tomorrow at dawn” she replied.

That night, Jake and I stayed with the rest of the family. Sammy and Leah had been with Ellie all day and they wear going to stay behind to look after her while the rest of us left. I held Ellie tight as I kissed her head. “goodbye my sweet baby” I cooed. “be good for your brother and sister”

I handed her to Jake who held her even tighter and kissed her three times. One on the head, one on the cheek and one on the lips. “goodbye Ellie Belly.”

He kissed her cheek once more before handing her over to Sammy. “good luck guys” he called and he and Leah walked out with Ellie to their house.

As Alice had said, at dawn, EJ and the rest of the Volturi arrived. It was less formal this time. This was a family matter, not business. “mom, we understand something’s happening with Kyle”

I filled him in and watched as his face grew from shock to pure horror.

“I didn’t realise it was that bad!”

“neither did we, we didn’t think that Henry could have a gift”

“theirs never been anything like it before….we’ll come with you…if theirs a risk of humans knowing what we are because of them…” began Yasmin.

Carslie nodded. “we know, the flights been booked for this afternoon, I suggest we all hunt before”

“right” agreed Jane. She took hold of her mates hand and they ran off together.

Seth put his arm around Yasmin and kissed her “ill see you later”

I made my way over to Jake. “I need to go for a run , I need to tell Sammy to look after the pack while I’m away” he said.

I nodded “alright, don’t be too long though”

He grinned and kissed me gently “ill see you later babe”

Before long, we had all hunted and wear on the flight to Alaska. By the time we got their, it was dawn the following day. we wear going to stay with the Denali coven while we wear their.

Kate and Garrett ran straight into the arms of Tanya as soon as she opened the door. “I missed you so much!” said Tanya, hugging her sister. I smiled at the two sisters reunion. Carman came out and kissed Carslie and then Esme’s cheeks. “welcome” she smiled.

We house was large, like our own. Their wear a number of hall ways leading off to different rooms in the house.

“the last time we saw them was yesterday afternoon by the lake” said Carman.

“yes, they wear seeing who could create the biggest tidal wave in the lake” agreed Tanya.

“wears the lake?” asked Jake.

“three miles south from head” said Carmen.

“we will go at once” said Edward.

We all nodded. The sooner we found Henry and Kyle, the better it would be for us, for the humans and for them.

Renesmees Note Book (WATTY AWARDS 2011 VOTE GUYS!!!)Where stories live. Discover now