Give Up

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I went to stand with my parents, my heart fluttering like mad. I couldn’t see very far as mist had begun to fall. I was scared, so very scared.

Either way, this was the end. If I die, I die knowing that I had a good life, that I had friends and a family that loved me and who I loved back, that I had a husband who’s the love of my life and that I have my precious son EJ.

 We all stood in a group, all braced and ready. I could hear the wolfs in the forest, the wind rustling threw their fur as they crouched, watching the clearing.

“their hear” said my farther.

All went silent.

I felt my parents tense beside me and soon enough I did to. The volturi came out of the mist, lead by the three. Behind them, thousands of new born’s. it was 500 to one including the wolfs.

Carslie walked to the front and met Aro half way. The friendliness Aro normally showed to him was gone. Their was nothing but hostility in his eyes and face.

“you and your coven have committed treason agenst us. Your family are sentenced to death and so are anyone who stand with them” said Aro.

“we stand with the Cullen’s!” shouted Kate

“its time for the volturi to end Aro” hissed Peter.

Crystal walked forwards with Jason. “this is your last chance Aro” she said.

“step down or be destroyed” finished Jason.

“Never!” snarled Aro. “Attack!!”


hey guys sorry its so short but i wanted the next chapter to be all about the battle

Also, ive desided not to finish Renesmees Notebook and im going to continue it after the battle! Just bare with me for the next chapter as i want it to be long and i need to come up with a diffrent ending, thanks so much for supporting me !"


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