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He ran to me and hugged me tightly.

“I missed you mom” he said.

“I missed you to darling”

We walked inside the living room to wear the family and pack wear waiting. Alice came over and hugged EJ then Jane.

Jake walked to his son and hugged him “welcome home son”

EJ grinned “thanks dad”

The pack came over next and began to fill EJ in on what he had missed. Although the new Volturi headquarters wear only 50 miles away, the pack couldn’t communicate that far and my dad couldn’t hear his grandson or Jane’s thoughts either.

 Not a lot had happened since EJ had moved away, apart from me becoming pregnant again. We wear still looking for Aro and Alec, although they had seemed to of vanished without a trace.

It was confuting to have EJ back. It was nice to have his sent around. I guess that’s a mothers reaction, even when her child is towering over her.

A few minuets later, Alice turned on the stereo and people began to dance. I danced with Jake twice, EJ twice before my farther. My father’s eyes wear deep in thought but even with out his full concentration, he still dance gracefully. “what’s wrong Dad?” I asked.

“huh? Oh….nothing Nessie”

I rolled my eyes “daddy, I know there is.”

Whenever I said Daddy, he gives in, a little trick I’ve known for ages.

He gave me his crooked grin that always melted moms heart and chuckled “EJ and Jane are going to get married” he smiled

“really! Oh wonderful!” I squealed quietly.

“act surprised when they tell you, they wanted to tell everyone together.”

I nodded “of course I will…..ill make my announcement then as well I think”

My farther smiled at me and kissed my head “go on then love”

I kissed his cheek and went over to Jake and leaned against him while he talked to Sam. Sam and Emily’s toddler daughter, Chloe sat at their feet sucking her thumb. She had big brown eyes and thick curly black hair.

She wore a pink dress that Alice had brought her for her birthday three months ago. She looked at me with her big brown eyes and opened up her arms for me. I picked up the toddler in my arms and bounced her gently. Chloe giggled holding onto my arms. “she’s cute” smiled EJ.

I looked at him “yeah” I smiled.

Alice turned off the music “I think EJ and Jane wasn’t to talk” she smiled

EJ blushed and stood at the front with Jane.

“wear err, getting married” said EJ.

I grinned, trying to act surprised. Jake went over to congratulate them and I followed. EJ hugged me tightly and smiled. “sorry I didn’t tell you mom”

“it’s okay baby”

“talking about baby’s” began Alice.

I looked at me and smiled nodding. “I’m going to have another baby” I announced.

The house exploded into applause apart from Jake who stood their looking at me with shock over his face and something I didn’t expect. Anger. I saw my farther shoot a look at him before he growled “she wanted to wait”

“stay out of my head blood sucker” snapped Jake.

“Jake, what’s going on?” I asked.

“why am I always the last to know everything that goes on in OUR family Ness? How come they always know things before I do!”

I frowned “I tell you everything Jake……I never keep anything from you”

“no but you always tell me last”

“oh for gods sake go and have your little strop outside dog” hissed Rose.

Jake growled his eyes narrowing before going outside, slamming the door shut behind him.

Renesmees Note Book (WATTY AWARDS 2011 VOTE GUYS!!!)Where stories live. Discover now