Its okay....

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I fell on the floor holding my cheek looking at Jake, my eyes glazed with shock. Jake looked at me and whimpered before running out.

“Jake” I whispered before my farther and Alice helped me back up. Rose headed towards EJ before I growled and ran to him picking him up before Rose could touch him “he’s MY baby! Mines and JAKES!!!”

The whole family looked at me in utter shock. All apart from Jason who went to me.

“come on Ness, lets get EJ settled down while the others go off and find Jake” he said kindly. I nodded clinging to Jason and EJ as he took me to my bedroom and laid EJ in the cot.

I went to my bed and sat down, my eyes dull. My Jake, my poor sweet Jake. I had to find him, I had to find my mate. Getting up I ran towards the door, stopping to kiss EJ before I ran out and into the forest, franticly searching for Jake.

 “Jake! Jake!” I shouted. I walked from forks down to la push before I saw him. The russet wolf standing alone on a rock looking at me. “Jake” I whispered.

He whimpered and I ran to him, holding his head and hugging him. “its okay Jake, its okay, he’s okay, im okay” I kissed him gently then sighed “come back Jake. We’ll go to our house just us three, you me and EJ”

He nodded and licked my hand before getting up with me. I put my hand on his shoulder and walked back to the Cullen house with him.


hey guys, sorry this so short, i havent had time to wright it. i would love any ideas you have for future entrys as im wrighting for you

thanks for supprting we have over 380 fans on the facebook page!!

becky xx

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