The Plan

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Once we wear home, Carslie and my farther took EJ to the living room. He was in a very bad way. Part of his shoulder had been torn off and he was still unconscious. Jane went with Alice to get some pillows and a blanket and returned putting them around him. Jake had gone off to talk with the pack. Jason and Crystal wear with us, talking to my farther. I sat down next to EJ and stroked his head while Jane sat on the floor holding his hand.

“Jane…we wear wrong about you” began my farther.

“we owe you EJ’s life” I whispered.

She looked at us “I love EJ…I would of done it anyway.” she said.

I sighed softly and stocked my sons cheek.

Crystal spoke now “we need to fight”

“I know” said Edward.

“ I can help” said Jane. “I know what their planning to do”

Everyone looked at her and Jane stood up “go on Jane dear” said Esme.

“Aro wants to destroy you. He feels your family had become even more powerful then his own. Their weakened now, especially now that ive gone. Their scared of EJ and what he could grow to be. that’s why they wanted to kill him. We have to stop them…the volturi has started to kill half breeds like Renesmee. Their…their creating new born‘s…thousands of them. They are training them to kill you and other vegetarians.”

My eyes widened with shock as she told us what they wear doing, creating new born‘s, training them in camps, training them to kill us.

“you have to find your friends, the ones that came when you stood for Renesmee and others. You need a army of your own, a Cullen army. Jasper, we saw what you taught the others when Victoria’s new born’s attacked you. You need to teach the others how to defeat them. Jacob…can the wolfs help?”

Jake gave a nod from beside me

“good, now the only thing left to do is get EJ away”

“im staying” rasped EJ from the couch.

“your going to the Amazon” I said.

“no mom, I want to help…im not missing a chance to kick some Volturi butt”

Jane gave him a smile “lets get to work then”

The next two months consisted us of travelling, writing and training. Alice saw all the vampires we wrote to travelling to come to the house. Like us, they all wanted the volturi gone. I sat on the grass with Jane and some of the others watching Jasper train EJ. Wolf EJ circled Jasper until he lashed out and tried to bite EJ. EJ dodged out the way and stuck out a hind leg striking Jasper sending him back. He ran forwards and changed into a vampire again (who was clothed which confused both Jake and Carslie) and landed on Jaspers shoulders and held his head “I win!”

Jasper laughed and shook him off.

EJ got up and smiled

“very good EJ, now, how can you handle a member of the volturi”

Jane got up and faced EJ.

“im not fighting her!”

“pretend she’s not your mate” said my mother walking out of the house with my farther holding his hand.

“but I-”

He Didn’t finish his sentence as Jane ran at him making him fall. the next second and he was rolling in pain as Jane stared at him. “use your shield” snapped my farther.

EJ wiggled then stopped and stood up, Jane was still staring at him but he wasn’t in pain. Jane ran at him again but this time EJ was one move ahead of her and moved out of the way. He was using his mind reading gift. EJ pinned her down and nipped her neck grinning “I win again”

Jane smiled and kissed him and gently pushed him off her.

Smiling, I got up and walked over to Jake. He kissed my head and stroked my cheek.

“lets go home” I murmured.

Jake put his arm around my waist and took me to our little house on the edge of the garden. I was happy for now, I had a loving husband, son and family but I couldn’t help worrying about what will happen when it comes to the battle and how many of my love ones will be their at the end of the day


Well guys, wear comeing to the end of Renesmees Notebook soon :(

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