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I sat on my bed with my Jake, both of us looking at peaces of paper Alice had written for us. "okay so, we need to decide bridesmaids and their dresses, best man and seating arrangements" said Jake.

"okay, so...who do you want as your best man?" I asked.

"well I was thinking about Seth, I mean he may be young but he's the only one that I can really trust" he said.

I smiled "Seth it is then." he leaned down and kissed me gently smiling. I smiled back then sat up again "well, Alice has to be matron of honour, so the others can be Rose, Crystal, Emily and Leah" I smiled.

He gave a snort "why dose Blondie have to be one?"

"because unlike you I love aunt Rose and she's being a bridesmaid end of Jake."

He rolled his eyes and kissed me gently. I smiled then pulled back and looked threw the dresses that Alice had picked out for us to choose from. "I like this one" I said holding up a beautiful pink dress with baby blue accessories.

Jake studied the dress for a few minutes then nodded "okay babe, its nice"

I grinned and giggling kissing him on the lips. He kissed me back and a soft mone escaped from my lips. "ah humph" said a voice. We broke away to see Alice looking at us from the door way. "what pixie?" asked Jake.

"this is a big decision Ness you shouldn't be letting him try and distract you!"

"you know what Alice you are totally right!" I said giggling.

Alice grinned "lets go dress shopping!"

"wedding dress shopping!" I squealed in delight.

Jake groaned and laid back as I jumped up and ran to Alice.

We went into town, Alice, Rose, Leah, Crystal, Emily, Esme, my mother and I. we went into a few different shops, looking at all the different wedding dresses but non of them wear right or up to Alice's sanded. Alice had pre-ordered the bridesmaids dresses before I even told her they wear the ones I like. Good old Alice!

In the end we went to the wedding shop my mother had gotten her dress from when she had gotten married to my farther. As soon as we got in Alice went to the person on the counter giving her my sizes and the styles I like.

 The rest of us went off alone, looking at all the beautiful dresses. I took out a few dresses looking at the designs and styles. I knew what I wanted. I wanted to look like a princess and have a one of a kind dress. After all it is my day and I am one of a kind. "Renesmee, come hear!" squealed Alice. I walked over to wear everyone was gathered by the dressing room. The shop assistant came out with a beautiful ball gown type dress.

 "try it on!" said my mother taking it from her and giving it to me. I smiled and went into the changing room and took off my clothes putting on the dress. Once I was dressed I grinned and smiled. I looked beautiful.

 The dress was strapless, white and ball gown like. Not to puffy just right. I stepped out of the changing room and into the shop. Alice squealed loudly "its perfect!"

I smiled and gave a twirl her dress spinning around. "I love it!"

"then its yours" said the shop keeper.

I squealed with delight as Alice went off with the assistant and brought my dress. I went back into the changing room and took of the dress.

When I was done changing I walked out still grinning, bubbling with excitement. I knew I couldn't wait to marry Jake and become Mrs Renesmee Black


hey guys! the next entery is going to be the weddding and will be posted some time soon!!

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